Box Camera

  • First Camera

    First Camera
    This is the first camera that was invented in 1888.
  • Camera

    This is what a camera would of looked like in !905. One of the changes from its oringal version is that it is starting to look more as a camra. Its original version looked more like a box.
  • Camera

    This is what the camera looked like in 1938. This is when the camera started to get a smaller and not as big and bulky as the camera in 1905. This camera now has a zoom and the thing at the top used to make a more accurate picture shot.
  • Camera

    This is what the camera looked like in 1968. A change is that it now hasa flash to take pictures in dark areas.
  • Camera

    This is a picture of the camera from 1992. These cameras are able to hold more pictures from the previous versions. This is also when water resetintent cameras were first avaliable.
  • Present day Camera

    Present day Camera
    This is what the cameras of the present day looks like. These cameras have memory chips that can hold a couple hundred photos on them that can be uploaded to a computer. They also come with more advanced zooming and can identifie faces when taking a picture.