Technology and Inventions Assignment

  • automobile

    The first true automobile.Gasoline automobile powered by an internal combustion engine:three wheeled, four cycle, engine and chassis form a single unit. Karl Benz was the one to make the first actual gasoline automobile.Karl Benz was a german engine designer and automobile engineer,generally regarded as the inventor of the petrol-powered automobile and pioneering founder of the automobile manufacturer,Mercedes-Benz.This was made in 1885.
  • Automobile

    It was definitely more expensive so most people couldnt afford it but those that could had a whole different travel experience. They had tops for the cars so when it rained then nobody would get wet. In each car would be a robe so if the people would get cold they can wrap in it to keep warm since they didnt come out with air conditioning yet. A glass windshield so if they maybe in a car accident then they wouldnt get hurt that much.
  • Automobile

    Probably their would be more seating in the car for more people to go into. It would have better and stronger tires that would hold together better. It would be alittle faster but not by much maybe about the same. They did put anti lock brakes in it to help people not get their cars stolen.
  • Automobile

    In the 1950s Alfred P. Stone established by making cars look diferent in shapes and sizes. This made people buy cars more because of how cool and cheap they made cars. It became more cheap by the makes sharing diferent parts like windows, roofs, and doors. They also established air bags to keep people safe from crashing into things or other cars.
  • Automobile

    They made the automobile more sportier for people thst want nicer and better cars. Their is definitely power steering its automatic so we dont have to do it we just have to steer and hit the gas peddle to go. They made it have sattelite radio for us to be able to listen to music and do some other amazing things with this awesome technology.
  • Automobile

    This car was made in 2009. The changes of this car from the very first was its definitely alot faster. The engine is stronger sometimes it has alot of sound to it. The tires are alot nicer and in better shape. Dvd players are definitely cool for the car that decorate it and help long rides be fun! The nice leather seats in most cars are not just cool looking but they are really comfy. Navagation syatems are good for not getting lost and knowing where to go.