Bikes were a modern convince in the 1920 because it was a cheep way of transportation. It also wasa way to just get out withouthaving anywhere to go. -
Intro Of Cars
Intoruced by Henry Ford, made getting around easier for people. -
The apartments in the 1920's were also modern conviences becasu ethey provided a place to live. -
Assebly Lines
Henry Ford eventedadn improved the assebly lie so it would be easier to make cars, it also made it faster. -
Railway Labor Act
Railway Labor Act gave railway workers the right to organize. -
Red Scare
In eight cities, eight bombs simultaneously exploded at the same hour. -
Palmer Raids Durning The Red Scare
In the late 1990's and early 1920's A. Mitchell Palmer was convinced that the Communist wanted to overthrow the government. Many people were arrested, some of which were radicals adn some were simply immigrants from southern or Eastern Europe, Most weren't charged with the crime but almost all of the men adn women were deported. -
Women's Roles Change
Many women went from being house wifes to working mothers. They were not paid as much as men were bu it still helped with money. -
The Eighteenth Amandment forbid the sale, manufacture, and distribution of achol anywhere in the United States. -
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzettie
The two men were at a bank during a shoting and were charged with the murder of a man, "The men looked Italian" is what the only witness could say to decribe the killers. The men were put to death on August 23.1927 via electrical chair. -
The Nineteenth Amendment is ratified. Its victory accomplished, NAWSA ceases to exist, but its organization becomes the nucleus of the League of Women Voters -
Jazz Age
Many blacks moved to the ciies and they brought a lot of their culture with them. Alon with this came their music, this lead to jazz being proformed all over the country adn other types of music becoming developed. -
The Klu Klux Klan
The KKK burned down houses adn town -
The radio was a modern convenience. It helped get new around faster. -
National Origins Act
t was al aw restricting immigrants by making a system of national quotas that clearly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s. -
Immigration Act
was the first permanent limitation on immigration into the United States and established the national origins quota system. -
National Origins Act
A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s. -
Burned crosses adn marched throughthe streets of towns. -
Scopes Trial
The theory of evolution, and development was tought by scientist John Thomas Scopes in his Biolagy class. He was found guilty adn fined 100 dollars. -
End Of Prohibition
21st Amendment repealed Prohibition -
African American Music
Many African American's had a big part in the music of the 1920's which made them more seen to the public.