History of the 1920s

  • Mechanization of Labor

    Mechanization of Labor
    The washing machine was invented to improve washing. Women no longer had to hand wash clothing making their lives easier.
  • Modern Conveniences

    Modern Conveniences
    Mass production made it easier to make larger amounts of products in a shorter amount of time. It was used to make the Model T. The first Model T was made on September 27, 1908.
  • Introduction of the Audomobile

    Introduction of the Audomobile
    The Model T was a reliable car that Americans could afford. It was invented by Henry Ford. September 7, 1908 was when the first Model T was made. They were important to Americans because they no longer had to live close to a work place. By 1927 over 15 million cars had been sold, nearly one car per family.
  • Henry Ford's Assembly Line Production

    Henry Ford's Assembly Line Production
    Ford's first Model T was created. He later used his assmebly line to make Model T cars quicker. HIs assmebly line was a line where a person did something to make the vehicle step by step.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    1 Millions of people whore masks and terroized Jews, Catholics, and immigrants and businesses owned by them.
    2 They also torched these racial groups houses.
  • Restrictions on Immigration

    Restrictions on Immigration
    The Immigration Act of 1917 was passed which banned the number of undesirables that could enter the US from Asia. This included "idiots", alcoholics, and feeble- minded people. People over the age of sixteen who could not read and write were included in this act.
  • Prohibition

    The 18th Amendment forbade the maufacture, distribution, and sale of alcohol anywhere in the United States.
  • Mechanization of Labor

    Mechanization of Labor
    The gasoline-powered tractor was invented to improve farming and make it easier and more effective.
  • Changing Role of Women

    Changing Role of Women
    The nineteenth amendment for womens sufferage was ratified.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    The Wall Street Bombing occured when a horse drawn wagon carrying 100lbs of dynamite and 500lbs of sash weights exploded in a timer set detonation. Thirty-eight people were killed and four-hundred were murdered.
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    Police arrested thousands of people because they believed they were radicals. Many were innocent immigrants from Eastern Europe.
  • Restrictions on Immigration

    Restrictions on Immigration
    The Emergency Quota Act was made to limit the number of people who could enter the US to 3% of the number of immigrants from their country who are already living in the US. This totaled about 357.802 immigrants.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    It was an act that limited the amount of immigrants that could enter the United States.
  • Changing Role of Women

    Changing Role of Women
    Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming became the first woman elected as state govenor.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    Fundamentalism and modernism clashed. Tennesse made it illegal to teach evolution in state schools. John Scopes challanged this law by teaching evolution to his biology class. He was arrested and fined $100. His trial did not resolve the religious differences and the question of evolution still remains today.
  • Introduction of Modern Conveniences

    Introduction of Modern Conveniences
    John Logie Baird invented the mechanical television. This allowed Americans to learn the daily news, weather, and other important information. On October 2, 1925, he transmitted his first television picture with a greyscale image.
  • Changing Role of African Americans

    Changing Role of African Americans
    Louis Armstrong made his first recording with his band Louis Armstrong and his Hot Five on November 12, 1925.
  • Modern Conveniences

    Modern Conveniences
    The Radio Act of 1927 was passed to allow only US territories to recieve radio transmission.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Nicola Sacco and Batolomeo Vanzetti, two radicals, were put to death in the electric chair facing charges of murder. They did not have any evidence against them.
  • Modern Conveniences

    Modern Conveniences
    Alexander Fleming invented the antibiotic. This was used to kill harmful bacteria.
  • Changing Role of African Americans

    Changing Role of African Americans
    Bessie Ross recorded her last Blues albumn before she switched to music that fit the "swing era".
  • Prohibition Ends

    Prohibition Ends
    The Twenty-first Amendment was ratified repealed the Eighteenth Amendment.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    On Sunday September 15, 1963, a white man placed a bomb under a Church and at 10:22 the bomb went off. It killed twenty-seven people. This occured during the Civil Rights Movement. Whites started lynching. Robert Chambliss was convicted and fined $100 for this terrible crime.