
Lucy's timeline

  • first settlement

    The first settlement in Australia. This day is celabrated every year called Australia Day.
  • first Prime Minister Sir Edmund Barton

    first Prime Minister Sir Edmund Barton
    Sir Edmund Barton was the first Prime Minister.
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - Pratectionist, from NSW
  • second Prime Minister Alfred Deakin

    Alfred Deakin was the second Prime Minister. Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - Protectionist, from Vic in office for 7 months and 4 days.
  • Chris Watson

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - 1st Labor Prime Minister in for office for 3 month and 3 weeks from NSW
  • Sir George Reid

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - Free Trade party, in office 10 months 18 days from NSW
  • Alfred Deakin

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - 2nd tern as Prime Minister
  • Andrew Fisher

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - Labor, in office 6 months 3 weeks, from QLD
  • Alfred Deakin

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - Protectionist, 3rd term as Prime Minister, 10 months 28 days
  • Andrew Fisher

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - 2nd term as Prime Minister
  • Sir Joseph Cook

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - Commonwealth Liberal. from NSW.
  • Andrew Fisher

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - third term, he was Labor
  • Billy Hughes

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - started off as Labor then went to Nationalist. From NSW then later Vic.
  • Stanley Bruce

    Stanley Bruce
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - Nationalist party, form Vic.
  • James Scullin

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is Labor party from Vic.
  • Joseph Lyons

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is United Australia party he is the only Prime Minister form Tas, died in office 7th April 1939.
  • Sir Earle Page

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is Country party, from NSW only in office for 20 days because he was only a caretaker Prime Minister.
  • Robert Menzies

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is United Australia party, from Vic.
  • Sir Arthur Fadden

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is Country party in office for only 1 month and nine days. From QLD
  • John Curtin

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is Labor he was Australia's famous WW II Prime Minister and the only Prime Minister from WA.
  • Frank Forde

    Frank Forde
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' . he is Labor. From QLD he was Australia's Prime Minister for the shortest time, only 8 days. His daughter-in-law Leneen Forde was the 1st female Govenor of QLD.
  • Ben Chifley

    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is Labor from NSW.
  • Sir Robert Menzies

    Sir Robert Menzies
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' . he is Liberal.
    This was his 2nd term as Prime Minister. Australia's longest serving Prime Minister.
  • Harold Holt

    Harold Holt
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is Liberal, from Vic, went missing while swimming off Cheviot Beach and presumed dead.
  • Sir John McEwen

     Sir John McEwen
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is Country party, from Vic, caretaker for 23 days.
  • Sir John Gorton

    Sir John Gorton
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - he is Liberal,form Vic was a RAAF pilot.
  • Sir William McMahon

    Sir William McMahon
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - He is Liberal, from NSW was known for having big ears.
  • Gough Whitlam

    Gough Whitlam
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - He is Labor, 1st Labor Prime Minister after 22 years of conservative governments, from NSW.
  • Malcolm Fraser

    Malcolm Fraser
    Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - He is Liberal, sheep farmer from Vic.
  • Bob Hawke

    Bob Hawke
    [prime ministers]( Bob Hawke is labour. He was from Vic and had been President of the ACTU.
  • Paul Keating

    Paul Keating
    Paul Keating was in office for roughly 5 years. He is Labor. Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - from NSW, likes to collect french clocks.
  • John Howard

    John Howard
    John was in office for a while until Kevin took over him. He is Liberal. Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - from NSW, he is Australia's 2nd longest serving Prime Minister.
  • Kevin Rudd

    Kevin Rudd
    Kevin is our latest Prime Minister. he's in the Labor party.Look at Bob Hawke for link to Prime Ministers' - from QLD Speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese. Elected for Parliament in 1998 on the preference votes of AWP candidate Jeni Eastwood.