Cover page

The Beginnning of Miyax's Journey

  • The Beginning of a New Life

    The Beginning of a New Life
    Running away from her husband, Daniel, Miyax becomes lost in the cold unforgiving tundra of the North Alaskan Slope. She is slowly starving to death and is desperately in need of food.
  • Order of the Pack

    Order of the Pack
    Miyax notices the order of power in the pack: Amaroq, Nails, Silver, Kapu, Sister, Zit, Zat, Zing, and finally...Jello.
  • Miyax's First Move

    Miyax's First Move
    Miyax timidly nibbles Amaroq's chin, but she is rejected by him. She plays around with the young pup, Kapu, named after her brave and fearless dad.
  • Caribou Dinner

    Caribou Dinner
    Kapu does Miyax a favor and tells Jello to regurgitate a piece of meat for Miyax to eat. Miyax boils it over her nice warm pot. She then eats the tasty meat.
  • Spotting the Plane

    Spotting the Plane
    The girl sees a plane in the distance, and she tries to flag it down but fails. Over the intercom she heard that if it was to misty to land, the plane would have to go back to Fairbanks.
  • Attacking the Caribou

    Attacking the Caribou
    A herd of caribou stampedes through the wolves' territory, and the wolves manage to kill a weak caribou. This caribou could not run nearly as fast as the others, thus making it any easy target for the hungry wolves.
  • Eskimo Freezer

    Eskimo Freezer
    Miyax digs a freezer like the ones the Eskimos built, only hers is smaller; she plans to store the meat from the kill in her freezer, but Jello has other intentions...
  • The Departure

    The Departure
    Miyax has feelings of abandonment when she wakes up to find she is alone; the wolves had abandoned her. Even though she knew this day would come , her feeling of loneliness cuts deep into her thoughts.