The Host By Andrea Davel

  • Setting

    The Host was set in the future. The main character, Melanie, lives in a regular town. Well at least she thought it was regular.
  • Melanie and the Wanderer

    The Wanderer is a "soul" that took over Melanie's body. One morning Melanie wakes up with her new host body. She knows that it's not her body so she prepares for the last memory the body would have lived through. The memory shows Melanie running and ahead is an empty elevator shaft and she jumps hoping death but ends up getting badly hurt. The last image in the memory is the face of a man.
  • The Drive

    Melanie decides to go on a drive to Tuscan, Arizona. During the drive Wanderer believes that Melanie is reminiscing about the happier times and feeels as though she was saying goodbye. In Melanie's thoughts she remembers a place in the desert where Jared, the man she is in love with, has a cabbin. He tells her that he would rather die than be apart from her and she tells him she feels the same way. Jared doesn't want to rush into anything but Melanie doesn't know how much time she has left.
  • Jared

    Melanie finds out that Wanderer is in love with Jared too. Mel is surprised at Wandrere's ability to love a human. Neither of them are particulary happy with the situation.
  • The caves

    Wanderer is starting to get used the the caves. Bathtime in the caves consist of stripping your clothes off in pitch black and submerging yourself in the pool. Everyone gets shifts for eating, working etc. Wanderer is wondering why Jeb doesn's have his gun on him. He tells her that he is not trying to get Wanderer killed, he is trying to get everyone used to her.
  • Kyle

    After the Wanderer takes a shower she hears someone at the door. At first she thinks it's Ian but then figures out it's kyle. Melanie she orders Wanderer to grab a rock to use as a weapon and she does. He is coming through the pool toward her. Kyle goes after her, pulls her down and pushes her under the water. Wanderer wraps her legs around him so he will have a much harder time pushing her into the hole. She realizes he is about to fall so she pins him on the other side trying to save him.
  • Hospital

    Melanie tells Jared to hit Wanderer so he does. They drive to the hospital and Wanderer decides that she also must stab herself. When she walks in she is immediately treated. Wanderer asks the doctor about the prodedure. He tells her that she will feel no pain.
  • Sacrifice

    Melanie insists that Wanderer's life is more important than her own. Wanderer reflects on her life as a human. She inspects her body and goes over the human senses that she has come accustomed to. She has lived in so many bodies but never one she has loved like this.
  • Wanderer

    After Wanderer is done discovering herself and snaps back in to reality she is angry with Doc for not keeping his promise. Wanderer has a brief moment of jealousy when she sees Jared holding Melanie. She's still in love with Jared despite changing bodies.
  • What i thought

    I thought The Host was a good book but a little confusing at times. I would definitley recommend this book to my friends. It was a little out there but I think that's what made it so good. I love Stephenie Meyer's books I think she's an amazing author.