25th amendment

By 6fraa
  • William H harrison

    William H harrison
    John tyler died of pheumonia which is a disease that has to deal woth your lungs and breathing and William H Harrsion took over for him after he died
  • Zachary Taylor

    Zachary Taylor
    Zachary Taylor died because he got sick and died from cholera. Millard Fillmore filled in for him
  • Abraham lincoln

    Abraham lincoln
    Abraham lincon was assasionated thats how he died in the petersen house in washington Dc and was shot by Booth
  • James abraham Garfeild

    James abraham Garfeild
    James died from assassination at the baltimore railroad station in Washington DC by charles
  • Charles Warren Fairbanks

    Charles Warren Fairbanks
    James died due to a disease called nephritis which is a condition in which the tissues in the kidney become inflamed and have problems filtering waste from the blood.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt

    He had a heart attack and died and John Nance garner took over for him
  • Franklin D roosevelt

    Franklin D roosevelt
    Franklin died of a stroke and Harry s truman took over for him when he died
  • John F Kennedy

    John F Kennedy
    John F Kennedy died do to assassination in 1963 and Lyndon b Johnson took over for him after he died
  • Nelson Rockfeller

    Nelson Rockfeller
    Nelson died of a heart attack and died in 1979 and gerald ford took over for him