William Henry Harrison Death
Harrison died while in office and Vice President John Tyler assumed the role of President but didn't take responsibility of the duties of the President. Then Tyler finally took oath in office and became the 10th President.
Source-http://constitution.laws.com/american-history/constitution/constitutional-amendments/25th-amendment -
Woodrow Wilson's Death
Woodrow Wilson was in office and suffered a stroke. No one really accepted the role of the president at the time. Then the assumption that the Vice President would take the role of the President. It was assumed that the Vice President would take the role if the President dies or resigns from office but nothing was written on paper.
Source- http://constitution.laws.com/american-history/constitution/constitutional-amendments/25th-amendment -
Keating-Kefauver Proposal
Kenneth Keating proposed a amendment which would allow the Vice President to take over the role and duty of the President, if the President was disabled from the office.
Source-https://books.google.com/books?id=55aUXfY6oawC&pg=PA372&lpg=PA372&dq=keating+kefauver&source=bl&ots=y3PCutE2yA&sig=eQJYB-w9tQZeokmLarbNiR3NedU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBge2f47DSAhWoiFQKHUICCycQ6AEIITAB#v=onepage&q=keating%20kefauver&f=false -
JFK Assassination
When JFK was assassinated it brought up arguments in the Congress to pass an amendment for future presidencies. This is when the discussion started.
Source-https://www.yahoo.com/news/jfk-assassination-led-constitutional-amendment-110208871.html -
Introducing the Amendment
There were two proposals to this Amendment, the Keating-Kefauver proposal or the Bahy-Celler proposal. Each one was trying to promote who would take over the presidents spot if the current president was ill (dead) or resigned from office. Bahy-Celler proposal was chosen for the amendment.
Source- http://constitution.laws.com/american-history/constitution/constitutional-amendments/25th-amendment -
Ratification of the 25th Amendment
The 25th Amendment was ratified on February 23, 1967. It basically allows the Vice President to take over the Presidents duties and jobs that he has if he dies or resigns from office. It also allows procedures for filling out a vacancy for Vice President.
Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution -
Ford for Vice President
Was the first person to be appointed into the Vice President spot under the 25th Amendment. A vacancy needed to be filled out because of the resignation of former Vice President Agnew.
Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ford -
Ford Sworn in as Vice President
After the House and Senate voted Ford as Vice President, Gerald Ford was then sworn as the Vice President of the United States of America. It took about a month for this to happen, Ford was the first to be sworn in by the 25th Amendment.
Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ford -
From Vice President to President
Former President Richard Nixon resigned from the office to leave Ford the President, he nominated Nelson A. Rockefeller. Another use of the 25th Amendment.
Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ford -
Ronald Raegan Attempted Assassination
The 25th Amendment was almost used by Bush when Raegan was in surgery after the assassination attempt. The leader behind the 25th Amendment mention that it should have been used since Raegan wasn't able to fulfill his duties as president so Bush should have been the active president.
Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution