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25th Amendment

By L. Knox
  • Tyler Precedent

    Tyler Precedent
    After the death of William Harrison, it was thought that the vice president would take over the office, in this case, it would have been John Tyler. However, it was never made clear as to what to call the person who preceded the president, even though they took the same oath under the title of president. After both houses of Congress adopted the resolution called "Tyler Precedent", each preceding vice would be recognized under the title of President.
  • Dwight E. and Nixon's arrangement

    Dwight E. and Nixon's arrangement
    After dealing with a bunch of medical problems, President D. Eisenhower attempted to clarify succession procedures through a signed agreement with Vice President Nixon. This agreement however did not have any legal authority and was drafted by General Borwnwell Jr.
  • Brownwell Proposal Approved by Subcommittee

    Brownwell Proposal Approved by Subcommittee
    Bownwell's proposal, set up to help find a system for what happens in the place of presidential succession, was approved by the subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments. However, Congress adjourned without considering the matter.
  • The American Bar Association

    The American Bar Association
    The American Bar Association undertook a study that resulted in them suggesting that a constitutional amendment be made to grant Congress the power to establish a system in the event of presidential disability
  • Keating–Kefauver proposal

     Keating–Kefauver proposal
    Two propositions were made to make changes to the way the procedure of succession worked out. Kefauver's proposal covered specified criteria and procedures in the case of presidential incapacity, and Keating wanted Congress to be able to establish procedure. Kefauver later joined Keating in setting up an amendment.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    After the death of John F. Kennedy Congress pushed for a constitutional change. His death caused a major disruption in the government as to what came next. Johnson used this to push the 25th amendment along.
  • Bayh-Celler Proposal

    Bayh-Celler Proposal
    Senator Birch Bayh S.J. Res. 1 in the Senate, and Representative Celler proposed H.J. Res. 1 in the House of Representatives. This proposal covered what defines an acting vice president, giving all presidential rights and powers to the Vice when the President is unable to run for an extended period of time. All powers would be given back to the president when he can run again. This was opposed to the Keating–Kefauver proposal.
  • Ratification of the 25th Amendment

    Ratification of the 25th Amendment
    Finally, on February 10th every state had ratified this amendment!
  • Ratification Ceremony

    Ratification Ceremony
    Once all the states had finally agreed to the ratification of the 25th amendment, a ceremony was held at the White House. After this ceremony took place, Johnson certified the amendment, guaranteeing that the term "succession" was no longer a vague matter for debate.
  • Amendment Resolution against Trump

    Amendment Resolution against Trump
    The House approved a resolution that urged vice president Pence to invoke the 25th amendment against Donald Trump. Mike decided not to go through with invoking the 25th amendment.