Democracy in America
Alexis de Tocqueville traveled America and examined the particular political and social repercussions of the democratic system. Very influential to following theorists. -
The Communist Manifesto
Marx published the Manifesto in 1848, but the ideas didn't really catch until after the Bolsheviks in 1917. -
J. S. Mill publishes On Liberty.
The Metaphysical Club formed
Included Charles Pierce, William James, Chauncey Wright, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. -
Durkheim, On Suicide
French sociologist, provided the basis of quantitative sociology by showing statistics to prove the cultural-determinedness of suicide prevalency. WW1 destroyed him. -
W. H. R. Rivers publishes Kinship and Social Organization
An anthropological study of social organization that later influences the Lynds' work in Middletown. -
Woodrow Wilson elected to first term
Graham Wallas publishes The Great Society
Beginning of WW1
Heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne is assissinated. Serbia, Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary choose sides. Official start of the war is August 1st when Germany declares war on Russia. Germany declares war on France, Belgium, Luxumbourg, Britain and Canada. -
Saussure, Course in General Linguistics
Published posthumously. Structuralism influenced fields beyond linguistics, incl. sociology. -
Woodrow Wilson is re-elected
Ran with campaign slogan of "He kept us out of the war". -
America severs diplomatic ties with Germany.
Wilson asks House of Reps to declare war on Germany.
Committee on Public Information formed
Included Lippmann, Bernays, and George Creel, among others. Large component was the "Four Minute Men," volunteer speech-givers. -
League of Nations founded.
Weimar Republic
Parliamentary republic formed in the German Revolution in opposition to the imperialist system previously in place. -
Committee on Public Information abolished
Sinclair Lewis publishes Main Street
A book about Gopher Prairie, a small American town, and the struggle to effect change and find a place within the social structures. Extremely popular at the time of its publishing. -
Lippmann, Public Opinion
Max Weber, Economy and Society
Describes beauracracy and organization. Idealist who studied social action and rationalization, and developed the idea of the "iron cage," where over-rationalization causes us to wear our care of external goods like a steel-hard shell rather than as "a light cloak." -
First Public Relations university course
Taught by E. Bernays at the University of New York. -
Institute for Social Research
Founded at Frankfurt-am-Main. -
19th Amendment Passed: women get the right to vote
Dewey, The Public and Its Problems
First Middletown study published by the Lynds
FDR elected to first of four terms
Third Reich
The Weimar Republic came to a close as Hitler rose in power. -
Ruth Benedict
Student of Franz Boas along with Margaret Mead, advanced a theory of moral relativism through anthropological studies. Abstracted cultures to their "essences" or "personalities." -
Frankfurt School theorists move to Columbia University
League of Nations collapses
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Walter Benjamin. -
Second Middletown study published by the Lynds
Germany invades Poland
Pearl Harbor bombed; US enters WW2