
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade

    Transatlantic Slave Trade
    The Atlantic trade sytem brought about people and products to America through the triagular trade with Europe. The slave trade began in America between the 1670's and 1680's carrying the people of West Africa on ships for slavery sale. A People & Nation pg. 67
  • First Mainland Slave Revolt

    First Mainland Slave Revolt
    The first slave revolt occurred in New York. The slaves set a fire and ambushed those trying to put it out. They killed eight, and wounded twelve. Eighteen rebels were executed with their rotting bodies left outdoors for warning. A People & Nation pg. 72
  • Slave Rebellion in South Carolina and New York

    Slave Rebellion in South Carolina and New York
    Twenty slaves siezed guns and amunition killing storekeeper and nearby plantaion families. September 8th was the birthday of the Virgin Mary and held sacred to the catholic slaves. This occurred near the Stono River, began the strictor laws governing slaves. A People & A Nation pg. 100
  • More Africans Than europeans Came to America

    More Africans Than europeans Came to America
    By 1775 there were more Africans imported as slaves to America than Europeans as imagrants. The height of trade occurred in the
    eighteenth century. A people & Natio pg. 82
  • Slaves Offered to Assist the British Army

    Slaves Offered to Assist the British Army
    The Slaves offered themselves to assist the Brittish army for the promise of freedom. Over nine thousand slaves joined the Brittish to fight the colonists. A People & A Nation pg. 138
  • Emancipation Began in the Colonies

    Emancipation Began in the Colonies
    In 1777 Vermont banned slavery in it's Constitution, and so it began. Massachusetts, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and so on. By late 1840 there was still recorded presence of slaves in the northern states. A People & A Nation pg. 160
  • Slaves Petitioned Legislature for Freedom

    Slaves Petitioned Legislature for Freedom
    African American used revolutionary idealoogy to their advantage asking the legislature for freedom and liberty from the evils of slavery. The legislature responded negatively. A People & A Nation pg 160
  • African American Families

    African American Families
    By 1790 portions of the low Carolina coutry were 90% African American. More than 95% of African Americans were held in bondage. Slaves were not legally able to wed, and many families seperated. Only children were allowed to stay with their mothers. A People & A Nation pg. 96
  • Growth of Free Black Population

    Growth of Free Black Population
    Wartime escaped slaves from plantations , slaves who served in the army, and those emancipated by owners or by state law contributed to the 60,000 people of color by 1790. By ten years later the number was at 108,000, almost 11 percent of the total African American population A People & A Nation pg 161