Galax arena

Galax-Arena, Victoria Jarvey

  • Setting

    This book first takes place on Earth with Joella, Peter, and Liane moving from town to town. Then all of a sudden they are on the planet called Vexak around o G2 star. They aren’t allowed to step foot on the planet so they have to stay in a rocket while living there. The rocket is kept like Earth’s atmosphere and the light go on and off at bedtime, they are also served their food.
  • Home

    Peter, Joella, and Liane are traveling from town to town with their parents because their father thinks they are being followed by people who took everyone else they know. Hayden, their father, and Sylvie, their mother, fought all the time because of Hayden’s fear of getting caught like the rest of them. They also didn’t have much money and never had anywhere nice to stay. This soon led them to splitting up and causing the children to move with their Aunt Jill.
  • Trip to Aunt Jill's

    Trip to Aunt Jill's
    Their trip started at Central Station, they were sent on a train going north. Peter, Joella, and Liane were being sent to Casino where their Aunt Jill lives. She had a small property and kept some chickens, an old mare, and a few cows. Joella loved going there because she was treated like the special one, unlike at home, and everyone else was treated unfair in a way.
  • Casino Station

    Casino Station
    When they arrived at the Casino Station they noticed a man waiting for them, he introduced himself as Hythe. Hythe explains to them that Aunt Jill wasn’t able to pick them up due to car trouble so she sent him, at first Joella didn’t believe him but soon she fell into his charm. As they were getting into the car Hythe knows she suspects something. Hythe stomps on the pedal and the car starts moving, Peter’s door is still open and she tries running for it and just makes it.
  • The Car Ride

    The Car Ride
    The first thing Hythe said to them while in the car was “You must be perishing. I brought a flask of coffee. Anyone want a drop before we go?” No one wanted any because they were afraid there was something in it. Hythe opened the flask for himself and the aroma from the coffee filled the car and after he took a drink Peter, Joella, and Liane wanted some. They giggled and laughed the whole car ride after that, they were starting to like Hythe and began thinking he was an okay guy.
  • Turn for the Worst

    Soon they noticed they were going the wrong way and said something to Hythe. Hythe tried to convince them they were just going on a rocket ride. Once they got to the rocket they saw a lot of men in strange suits. Right then and there they knew something was wrong. Hythe waved to the men and said mission completed.
  • The Rocket

    The Rocket
    They noticed they were being kidnapped and got scared and confused. Hythe buckled them into seats and they son dosed off into a sleep. When they woke up they were traveling to a planet call Vexak. Hythe gave the kids a description of what Vexak looked like and what it was like there.
  • Living in the Rocket

    Living in the Rocket
    The rocket had and artificial smell and feeling to it. The lights went on when it was day and off when it was night, the room also didn’t have any windows to look outside. They had one small bathroom with a shallow bowl in the floor, a basin, faucet, and buttons. The water was a fluorescent pink and slippery. They were not allowed to leave the room because the door was always locked and could only be opened by a key card.
  • Learning of Galax-Arena

    Peter, Joella, and Liane kept asking why they were brought here and what they were going to do with them. Finally Hythe answered him saying they would perform for the Vexas. Joella didn’t like this idea, she hated seeing animals doing tricks for people. Hythe said Peter would be a big star along with Liane because she was in gymnastics. But Joella knew she wouldn’t be a star because it was just like back home she was the nobody. Hythe told her she could maybe become a pet.
  • My thoughts

    I didn’t really like this book too much. It was really hard to get into the book because I don’t really read too much let alone science fiction books. If people like science fiction then they can read it but if not then I wouldn’t.