Sand Creek Massacre
There was a gold and silver rush in the Rocky Mountains which brought lots of settlers and miners to the mountains. This angered the indians living there because they were mining on their land. -
Fetterman Massacre
This was known as the bloodiest incident in 1866.This involved armies guarding the Bozeman Trail to get to the gold mines.Crazy Horse,a Sioux indian leader, decoyed the enemy to release 80 troops in battle.The Sioux also ambushed hundreds of men and wiped them out. -
Treaty of Fort Laramie
This was an agreement or treaty that said the Native Americans and the U. S. government. The problem was the clashing with the wars in indian territory over the Americans using their land. In the end the indians lost and this treaty was made to have peace. -
1874 Discovery
An ewpedition made after finding the gold and silver in the Rocky Mountains. The settlers swarmed the area. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
The indians gathered at the Little Bighorn River with the indian chiefs in Montana. The United States Army was moved to to the reservation leaded by George Custer. Custer wanted to lead the Americans to a great victory aganist the Native Americans. -
Ghost Dance
When th Sioux were in despair they went to a prophet for help. The Wokova,prophet,said that they could regain their strength by doing a ritual called Ghost Dance. -
Wounded Knee
After Sitting Bull's death the Sioux went to the Wounded knee river. The start of the fighting was a mystery but over 200 indians died. This battle ended the conflict between the whites and indians. This was the final loss for the indians.