Important Dates In The 1900's

  • George Eastman makes first portable camera

  • President McKinley is shot

  • Electric typewriter is invented

  • Electric typewriter is invented

  • Teddy Roosevelt is elected President

  • The U.S. Navy installs the first radio telephone aboard ships

  • Henry Ford founds Ford Motor Co

  • Orville and Wilbur Wright take the first test flight in their plane at Kitty Hawk, NC

  • The first World Series is held, Boston vs. Pittsburgh

  • The first comic book is invented

  • George M. Cohan, the creator of many patriotic songs and musicals creates his first musical, Little Johnny Jones

  • The answering machine is invented

  • The Jukebox is invented with 24 songs

  • The first Yellow Pages is invented

  • 2,500 people die from an earthquake in San Francisco

  • An animated cartoon is created

  • Teddy Roosevelt becomes the first president to leave the country

  • The Lamiere brothers create still color photography

  • Pablo Picasso unveils his cubism art

  • Henry Ford makes his first Model T for $850

  • First subject on radio talk is about woman's suffrage

  • A radio S.O.S. saves 1,700 lives after ships collide