Hitler invades Poland
Britain and France declare war on Germany
Germany begins blitskrieg boming on Belgium, Holland and France
Churchill becomes Prime Minster of Britian
Winston Churchill replaces Neville Chamberline as prime minster -
Germany invades France
Italy joins war and sides with Germany
Germany begins to bomb Britain
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
USA enters war and delcares war on Japan
Germany and Italy declare war on USA
Germans plan to exterminate jews in conceration camp
USA sends it's first troops to Britain
Germans plan to began the "Final Solution"
the gas chamber is first introduced in Auschwitz
The USA introduces the "Manhattan Project" which is the atomic bomb plan
Britain begans attack on Northern Africa
Nazi doctor Josef Mengele begins experimenting on twins (and later on midgits, dwarfs, hunchbacks) at Auschwitz's concentration camp (3000 between 1943 and 1944)
Germany surrender at Stallingrad
general Hideki Tojo becomes military dictator of Japan
Italy surrenders
D-Day invasion
The allies enter Paris
Russians invade Germany
USA land on Iwo Jima
Hilter kills himself
Germany surrenders, VE day
Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima
Nuclear bombing of Nagaski
Japan Surrenders to the USA