25 World War II Timeline

  • Hitler invades Poland

  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

  • Germany begins blitskrieg boming on Belgium, Holland and France

  • Churchill becomes Prime Minster of Britian

    Winston Churchill replaces Neville Chamberline as prime minster
  • Germany invades France

  • Italy joins war and sides with Germany

  • Germany begins to bomb Britain

  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

  • USA enters war and delcares war on Japan

  • Germany and Italy declare war on USA

  • Germans plan to exterminate jews in conceration camp

  • USA sends it's first troops to Britain

  • Germans plan to began the "Final Solution"

  • the gas chamber is first introduced in Auschwitz

  • The USA introduces the "Manhattan Project" which is the atomic bomb plan

  • Britain begans attack on Northern Africa

  • Nazi doctor Josef Mengele begins experimenting on twins (and later on midgits, dwarfs, hunchbacks) at Auschwitz's concentration camp (3000 between 1943 and 1944)

  • Germany surrender at Stallingrad

  • general Hideki Tojo becomes military dictator of Japan

  • Italy surrenders

  • D-Day invasion

  • The allies enter Paris

  • Russians invade Germany

  • USA land on Iwo Jima

  • Hilter kills himself

  • Germany surrenders, VE day

  • Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima

  • Nuclear bombing of Nagaski

  • Japan Surrenders to the USA