
john quincy adams

  • birth

    john quincy adams is born in Braintree (now Quincy), Massachusetts on july 11 1767 time unknown
  • sets sail to france

    sets sail to france
    sets sail from boston to france with his father john adams
  • sets sail

    sets sail
    quincy adams and his fatehr set sail from L' Orient to Boston
    arrive on the 2nd of august
  • sets aail

    sets aail
    quincy adams and his brother charles set sail with their father john adams from boston to france unknown where they ended up
  • to paris

    to paris
    quincy, his brother, and his father travel arcoss spain to reach there final Destination paris france
  • to amsterdam

    to amsterdam
    the 3 adams set sail to amsterdam arrive on the 10th of august
  • job

    quincy adams travels with Francis Dana to St. Petersburg, where he serves as Dana's secretary and translator.
  • set sail again

    set sail again
    quincy adams leaves St. Petersburg. He travels through Finland, part of Sweden, Denmark, Copenhagen and Hamburg
  • return to paris

    return to paris
    adams returns to paris france to work for his father as a secretary
  • rejoins with his mother

    rejoins with his mother
    heads to london to rejoin his mother and sister
  • returns to paris

    returns to paris
    returns to paris to help his father while there he he meet Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson
  • arrives in new yourk

    arrives in new yourk
    he traveled from paris to new youk and arrived on the 17 of july
  • harvard

    quincy adams is enrolled in harvard as a junior
  • graduation

    quincy adams graduates from Harvard
  • Law

    quincy adams leaves Boston for Newburyport. He studies law under Theophilus Parsons
  • opens law office

    opens law office
    quincy adams opens his first law office his carrer in law was unsuccesful
  • letter from washington

    letter from washington
    quincy receives a letter from washinton giving him the postion of resident minister to The Hague
  • travels

    quincy adams sails from Boston to England with Thomas Boylston Adams who he names as his secretary.
    quincy made a detour to england before finaly arriving at Hague on 6th of november
  • washington

    Washington appoints JQA minister plenipotentiary to Portugal adams never takes the postion
  • his fathers offer

    his fathers offer
    President John Adams appoints JQA minister plenipotentiary to Prussia.
  • wedding day

    wedding day
    john quincy adams marries Louisa Catherine Johnson
  • first born

    first born
    his first son is born and is named George Washington Adams.
    george washington adams dies of sucide at the age of 27 (1828)
  • president

    quincy adams runs against andrew jackson and henry clay
    none win the majority vote and clay supports adams so adams beats jackson by a handfull of votes