I was born
learned how to ski
My Brother Was Born
My brother’s name is Chris. He was born in 2000. Before he was born, I was the only child. I am very fortunate to have him as my brother. He is very nice. All in all, I am very happy to have him as my brother. -
Got the cottage
Learned how to sail
I learned how to sail at the yacht club at our cottage. I have been sailing ever since 2006. I sail every summer. My brother and I pretty much spend our summer at the yacht club. I am getting further and further in it. I clearly love to sail. -
Got new boat
My Aunt moved
Getting are dog
We got our dog Rocky. He is a real sweat heart. He is a black lab. He loves going up to the cottage to swim and run around. Most of all he likes going on boat trips with us to explore, swim and go on our little boat. He is a very good dog. -
Dog passing away
Went to New York
Started school
Got Braces