24-Hour Timeline-Austin Peck

  • 8:30 AM: Listening to Music on My iPhone

    8:30 AM: Listening to Music on My iPhone
    8:30 AM: After waking up and getting ready for my day, I listen to music while waiting for the bus. Apple Music uses algorithms to suggest new music I might like.
  • 9:00 AM: Tracking the Bus

    9:00 AM: Tracking the Bus
    9:00 AM: Before walking to the bus stop, I check the Mountain Line Tracking App (MLTA) to see if the bus is close to my stop.
  • 9:30 AM: Checking My Email

    9:30 AM: Checking My Email
    9:30 AM: Before doing homework or studying, I check my email. Luckily I don't have to look through a lot of junk mail since my email uses AI to send spam out of my inbox.
  • 11:30 AM: Checking Instagram

    11:30 AM: Checking Instagram
    11:30 AM: In between classes I scroll through Instagram. IG puts pictures and videos at the top of my feed based off of what I view and like the most.
  • 1:00 PM: Texting My Friends

    1:00 PM: Texting My Friends
    1:00 PM: Around lunch I text my friends and family. My iPhone suggests emojis to replace some words using AI.
  • 1:30 PM: Deciding Where to go for Lunch

    1:30 PM: Deciding Where to go for Lunch
    1:30 PM: I've had Jimmy John's and Chik Fil A once too many times. I ask Siri what other restaurants are around me at the moment.
  • 3:00 PM: Heading Home

    3:00 PM: Heading Home
    3:00 PM: After my classes are finished, I once again listen to music and check the MLTA to see where the bus is in relation to me.
  • 5:00 PM: Doing Homework and Studying

    5:00 PM: Doing Homework and Studying
    5:00 PM: Sometimes notes and the text book aren't enough. I sometimes use Google to search for additional help. Google often suggests what I am searching before I finish typing it out.
  • 8:00 PM: On the Way to the Gym

    8:00 PM: On the Way to the Gym
    8:00 PM: While driving to the gym, I always use Siri to text instead of texting and driving.
  • Shopping on Amazon

    10:00 PM: Amazon suggests products based off of what I have viewed or purchased in the past using algorithms.
  • 11:00 PM: Watching Netflix

    11:00 PM: Watching Netflix
    11:00 PM: Before going to bed, I like to watch something on Netflix. Netflix uses AI to suggest shows or movies I may like to watch based on what I've watched in the past.