I was born.
When I was born, my mom and dad already had six kids! Two more came after me. I have four brothers and four sisters. -
I got stitches in my lip.
The trapese was my favorite piece of playground equipment when I was five. What was even cooler was that my friend Becky had a trapese bar in her basement! One day, I was playing at Becky's house when she had to go upstairs to eat. I stayed in the basement and played on the trapese. On my last jump, though, I missed the bar and landed SPLAT on the concrete floor. I ended up getting five stitches in my lip that day. The trapese is no longer my favorite! -
I won a talent show!
I graduated from high school.
I got married.
Kyle was born
When my son was born, I almost died. The doctor gave me too much anesthesia, and instead of being partially numb, I was completely paralyzed. I couldn't breathe and started "looking for the white light." Finally, the nurses used a black bag to force air into my lungs, and my baby was born. It was the best and worst day of my life! -
Kendall was born
I earned my Masters Degree!
My son, Kyle, got confirmed :)
I helped my mom celebrate her 80th birthday.
Most people at PCMS would say that their moms are between 25-50 years old, but my mom is 80! My siblings and I threw an awesome birthday party for her this summer. My sisters and I even learned a song to sing especially for Mom, and she loved it. I think it was probably one of the happiest days of our lives. I hope my mom lives to be 100! -
I was born.
When I was born, my mom had seven six other kids already! Two more were born after me.