World War II

  • jaapann

    Japann had conquered Machuria in Chiina by Hideki Tojo.
  • Hitler becomes Dictator

    Hitler becomes Dictator
    Adolf Hitler beat Paul von Hindenburg in the 1933 elections and became dictator of Germany. Hitler was one of the cruelest leaders in history. He killed so many people because of his own assuptions.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germans invaded Poland at day break. Germans thundered across Poland border at 0445 hours
  • Countries Fight Back

    Countries Fight Back
    Germans invaded Poland at day break. Germans thundered across Poland border at 0445 hours
  • Denmark and Norway

    Denmark and Norway
    Germans invaded Poland at day break. Germans thundered across Poland border at 0445 hours
  • Invasions

    Germany invaded France, Belgium and Netherlands.
  • Italian forces

    Italian forces
    Italian forces in Albania invade Greece. Tanks occupied Albania into the mountains of Epirus before dawn.
  • United States Enacts the Lend-Lease Bill

    United States Enacts the Lend-Lease Bill
    The United States President was presented a dilemma when "the bomb" was developed. It was a weapon that would end the war and end the loss of U.S. soldiers. We had already lost so many soldiers during the invasion of Normandy. Nobody wanted to endure another "D-Day" type Of losses. The reality is, there were far fewer lost lives IN JAPAN as a result Of the bomb than were projected would have resulted from an all-out invasion.
  • Tojo

    Tojo becomes prime minister of Japan.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    A single carefully-planned and well-executed stroke removed the United States Navy's battleship force as a possible threat to the Japanese Empire's southward expansion. America, unprepared and now considerably weakened, was abruptly brought into the Second World War as a full combatant.
  • US starts to fight

    US starts to fight
    Germany and Italy declare war on the US.
  • Manila

    Manila and U.S. Naval base at Cavite captured by the Japanese.
  • the largest Japanese air raid since Pearl Harbor Occurs against Darwin, Australia; Japanese invade Bali.

    the largest Japanese air raid since Pearl Harbor Occurs against Darwin, Australia; Japanese invade Bali.
    the largest Japanese air raid since Pearl Harbor Occurs against Darwin, Australia; Japanese invade Bali.
  • bataan Death march =O

    Allied POWs [prisoner of war ] with hands tied behind their backs pause during the Bataan Death March. AbOut 76,OOO prisoners including 12,OOO Americans were forced on the 6O mile march under a blazing sun without food or water toward a new POW camp in the Philippines.
  • battle of thee Coral Sea

    battle of thee Coral Sea
    was a major naval battle in the Pacific Theater of World War 2 between the Imperial Japanese Navy , United States and Australia. It was the first fleet action in which aircraft carriers engaged each other.
  • battle of the midway

    was a battle carrier based on airplanes. The Japanese lost aircraft carriers that they could not replace. The US lost some ships, but not nearly as many as the other side.
  • atomic bombs

    atomic bombs
    aliied scientist had been workinq on what became an alternative in invadinq japan . The scientist worked to develop an atomic bomb, a weapon that produced qreatt destructivee power by splittinq an atom known as the Manhattan project . This huqee effoRt to develop an atomic bomb employed more than 6OO,OOO people.
  • More land

    More land
    Germany and Italy occupy perviously unoccupied Vichy, France
  • Surrender

    Last German forces in Stalingrad surrender
  • German goes down

    German goes down
    German troops in North Africa surrender
  • Declare War

    Declare War
    Italy declares war on Germany
  • D-Day

    US, British and Canadian armes land in Norway operation overload begins
  • The Bomb

    The United States President was presented a dilemma when "the bomb" was developed. It was a weapon that would end the war and end the loss of U.S. soldiers. We had already lost so many soldiers during the invasion of Normandy. Nobody wanted to endure another "D-Day" type Of losses. The reality is, there were far fewer lost lives IN JAPAN as a result Of the bomb than were projected would have resulted from an all-out invasion.
  • Bomb goes off

    Bomb goes off
    An attempt by ranking German officers to kill Hitler fails; the bomb only wounds him.
  • Battle Leyte Gulf

    The larqest naval battle in history. Between Japanese and mostly U. S. forces in the air, onn thee surfacee, and from beneath the surface of waterss surrounding the Japaaanese-occupied Philippine Islands, which were being invaded by the U. S. Army.
  • President again?

    President again?
    Roosevelt wins forth presidental term
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    German counter attack in the Ardennes in south Belgium.
  • Trapped and surrendered

    Trapped and surrendered
    A German army group trapped in 'Ruhr Pocket' om Germany surrenders: 325,000 prisoners are taken.
  • The last time

    The last time
    German forces in Italy surrender unconditionally.
  • Hitler no more

    Hitler no more
    Adolf Hitler kills himself
  • naval disaster

    naval disaster
    A major U.S. naval disaster, north of Guadalcanal, as eight Japanese warships wage a night attack and sink three U.S. heavy cruisers, an Australian cruiser, and U.S. destroyer, all in less than an hour. Another U.S. cruiser and two destroyers are damaged. Over 1,500 Allied crewmen are lost.
  • Japanese surrender

    Formal Japanese surrender ceremony on board the MiSSOURi in Tokyo Bay as 1,000 carrier-based planes fly overhead; President Truman declares VJ Day
  • Japanese in Korea surrender.

    Japanese in Korea surrender.
    Japanese in Korea surrender.