Jan 26, 1400
Exploration and Colonization
Time period when European countries and others compete to establish colonies in North and South America in order to increase prestige and economies. -
American Revolution
American Colonies broke away from Great Britain and became independent -
U.S Constitution
The basic laws of the United States. Created all the powers and the branches of government. -
The Federalist Era
Men like Alexander Hamilton and John Marshall wanted to make the federal government -
Age Of Jefferson
Attempted to reverse the federalist policies -
War of 1812
Americas 2nd war for independence. War between US and Great Britain -
Age of Nationalism
Time between war of 1812-1820s. Tried to promote national interest over sectional differences. -
Era of Jacksonian Democracy
Jackson associated with movement toward increased popular participation in government. -
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Age of Sectional Conflict
The United States added more land as a result of the Mexican War. The United States had to decide whether or not to use slavery in the states or not. Became partial reason for the civil war, -
Manifest Destiny
Americans believed God wanted america to move west, -
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Civil War
War between the US (North) and the confederate states of America (South) -
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Period after the civil war where southern states were readmitted into union. -
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Age of Industrialization, Immigration, and Urbanization
The United States greatly increased its manufacturing capability as Big Business. The cities became way bigger. -
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Progressive Era
Aimed to return control of the government to the people, restore economic opportunities. -
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Age of imperialism
US sought to acquire or have influence over foreign nations. -
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World War 1
global military conflict that took place mostly in Europe. -
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Roaring 20s.
Period between the two world wars. Prohibition, speakeasies, gangsters, traditional roles of women were challenged. -
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Great Depression
major worldwide economic downturn -
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World War 2
Worldwide conflict between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers. Allies won in 1945 -
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Cold War
Intense Conflict between US & USSR. No direct war. -
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Civil Rights Movement
Political, Legal, and social struggle by Black Americans to gain full citizenship rights. -
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U,S as sole superpower
Period after fall of the soviet union and end of the cold war -
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War on Terror
US attempt to maintain our national security by fighting against Al Qadea and other extremist groups that wish to destroy America.