22nd Amendment

  • Constitution Created and Signed

    Constitution Created and Signed
    When the Constitution was created, they never stated how long a President could serve. In the beginning, George Washington only wanted presidents to serve two terms because it would be more likely for a monarchy to start if they were able to serve for a longer time.
  • Ulysses S Grant Runs for his Third Term

    Ulysses S Grant Runs for his Third Term
    Ulysses S Grant was the first president to try running for three terms. Even though he ended up losing, this was a first try for a president.
  • FDR Runs for third term

    FDR Runs for third term
    Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only president who actually ran three terms.
  • 22nd Amendment Proposal

    22nd Amendment Proposal
    Stated that a president only gets to serve two terms which is four years per term.
  • FDR Runs for fourth term

    FDR Runs for fourth term
    He was loved so much that he even ran for a fourth term! And successfully succeded! He did so much throughout the great depression and getting the United States through battles during this time to the point that they didn't want anyone to be reelected.
  • FDR Dies During 4th Term

    FDR Dies During 4th Term
    Only a couple months later FDR died during his fourth term.
  • Truman doesn't want third term

    Truman doesn't want third term
    Truman would've been able to run for a third term but decided against it because he wouldn't have been as good as he wanted to be.
  • 22nd Amendment gets Ratified

    22nd Amendment gets Ratified
    This gets ratified limiting the terms that the president can serve. It was a controversy because of FDR serving four terms.
  • Eisenhower doesn't get to run third term

    Eisenhower doesn't get to run third term
    Eisenhower would've been able to run for three terms if the 22nd Amendment never got ratified, which made him upset. But since it got ratified he wasn't able to run for a third term.
  • Repeal of 22nd Amendment

    Repeal of 22nd Amendment
    Ronald Reagan wanted to change this amendment because 8 years wasn't enough time to ever do anything. So he thought presidents should get to run more than two terms, it never passed so the amendment is still in place.