9/11, This Showed The Peak In Tensions During These Heated Times.
After heated tensions between the U.S, Middle Eastern Governments, and known terrorist groups in the Middle East, 4 planes were hijacked by al-Qaeda. Two planes hit the World Trade Center, one focusing the north, and another focusing on the south building. The third hit the Pentagon, and the fourth one didn't reach its destination, due to it being stopped by brave passengers. Link To Image Source: Remembering 9/11 -
March Unto Baghdad, This Showed How Determined The U.S Exactly Was To Find Bin Laden.
Once a pinpoint of Bin Laden's location had been determined, a test of strength needed to be demonstrated. On March 19, 2003, the U.S marched onto Baghdad, and after days of seizing, they finally captured Baghdad, but the war was far from over. Link To Image Source: The 2003 Battle of Baghdad -
Hurricane Katrina, This Showed One of The Main Signs of Danger Back On U.S Turf, Not From An Enemy, But From Nature Itself.
During August and September of 2005, one of the most, maybe even the most deadly and dangerous hurricanes wiped through Louisiana and other various south-east states. This brought great destruction towards those states, and many recovery teams were dispatched from various branches of the military, my Mom was apart of the Army, and she went through Louisiana to help them recover. Link To Image Source: Hurricane Katrina -
Economic Crisis of 2008, This Ravaged The American Economy and Caused Many Americans Trouble.
After many home prices were failing, and the amount of borrowers exceeded the norm, the U.S economy crashed. This lasted from 2007-2008, and is the most recent U.S economic crisis to this date. Many middle class and lower class Americans were destroyed by this, and many ended up homeless/unemployed. Link To Image Source: The Great Recession and Its Aftermath -
Death of Bin Laden, This Helped Progress The U.S Away From Further War In The Middle-East.
After the search and journey to find terrorist leader, Osama Bin Laden, had finally been over, Osama was shot dead by U.S troopers. They found him in Pakistan, and had no opportunity, or favor to capture him alive. Link To Image Source: Osama Bin Laden Dead