
21st Century Timeline

  • 9/11 Terrorist Attack

    9/11 Terrorist Attack
    Osama bin Laden led the Islamic terrorist organization al-Qaeda in bombing the twin towers at the World Trade Center in New York. This was a horrific event that killed thousands, on television. This event is significant because it started a new era of homeland security and foreign distrust.
    Image Credit: www.daily-sun.com
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurrican Katrina was a deadly tropical storm that swept parts of American and affected New Orleans the worst. This event is significant because it is one of the deadliest hurricanes in the history of the US and set off numerous economic problems in its wake.
    Image Credit: ignatiansolidarity.net
  • Great Recession of 2008

    Great Recession of 2008
    An economic recession that started in the US, prompted by events in August 2007. This event is significant because it affected many countries and was the first event to be this bad since the Great Depression.
    Image Credit: The Aniston Star, www.slideshare.net
  • Obama Becomes President

    Obama Becomes President
    Barack Obama became the first black President of the United States. This event is significant because Obama pulled the country out of the Recession, started Obamacare, and supported legalizing gay marriage, all of which benefited the country in the long run.
    Image Credit: www.whitehouse.gov
  • Gay Marriage Legalization

    Gay Marriage Legalization
    The Supreme Court of the United States legalized same-sex marriage nation-wide, although Alabama, Missouri, and Alabama did so restrictions. This event was significant because it granted a lot of people the right to marriage, something that can feel like a basic human right to many.
    Image Credit: copyright boingboing.net