21st century technology

By Rico32
  • nintendo was created

    nintendo was created
    nintendo was created for games and was really known for its game "Super Mario Bros." this game sold over 40.24 million copies which was released in 1985
  • sony was created

    sony was created
    sony was cretaed by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita which headquarters are in japan
  • microsoft was created

    microsoft was created
    Microsoft was created by bill gates in 1975 to sell pesonal computer services, consumer electronics, and computer software.
  • sony entertainment was created

    sony entertainment was created
    sony created sony computer entertainment to make games, and game consoles
  • playstation was created

    playstation was created
    playstation was cretaed by sony in 1994
  • GameCube

    the Game cube was created
  • the first xbox was made

    the first xbox was made
  • microsoft developes gaming

    microsoft developes gaming
    microsoft developed a gaming production called "Microsoft Studios," they were responsible for the production for the creation of games for the Xbox, Xbox one, and games for windows.
  • microsoft was building more gaming systems

    microsoft was building more gaming systems
    the xbox 360 was finished in november 2005
  • the seventh generation console war

    the seventh generation console war
    the seventh generation console war began between Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and the Nintendo Wii, who won?
  • playstation, Xbox and Nintendo console war

    playstation, Xbox and Nintendo console war
    the console war between xbox, playstation, and nintendo probably began in 2006
  • wii was created

    wii was created
    the wii was created by nintendo in 2006 they had started competing with microsoft and sony.
  • Playstation Move

    Playstation Move
    the playstation move was created so you can play video games kind of like the wii
  • Xbox created Kinect

    Xbox created Kinect
    the kinect was fisrt intorduced for the xbox
  • Wii u

    Wii u
    the Wii u was created
  • the 3rd generation was created

    the 3rd generation was created
    this xbox was created in 2013
  • Xbox one

    Xbox one
    the xbox one has been created
  • Playstation 4

    Playstation 4
    the playstation 4 was created
  • xbox 360 slim was created