Leading up to the 18th
Before the 21st Amendment was even thought about the 18th amendment was passed. This amendment was passed to ban the sale of alcohol because it was looked at as an evil thing that made people abusive and spend their money on drinking rather than on their family. -
The 18th Amendment
If it wasn't for the 18th a, there wouldn't be a 21st amendment. The 18th amendment was passed in 1920, prohibiting the manufacture, transportation, and sales of any alcohol. This amendment was intended to eliminate the crime rates but in reality it made it skyrocket. -
Before the Amendment
John. D. Rockefeller Jr. said that he hoped the 18th Amendment would be widely supported and that people would see all the evils of alcohol. But the drinking had steadily increased, a vast army of law breakers appeared across the country, and some of the best citizens openly ignored prohibition. Respect for laws greatly decreased and the crime rates increased to a level never seen before.
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The Ratification of the Amendment
The 21st Amendment was the only amendment that was ratified by state conventions rather than the state legislature. The voting numbers were 63 to 21 of the United States Senate, and 289 to 121 but the United States House of Representatives.
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Proposing the Amendment
The amendment to repeal prohibition was proposed by Congress on February 20, 1933.
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Amendment Ratified
The Amendment was ratified on December 5th, 1933 and became effective on December 15th. The Amendment was originally rejected by South Carolina. 36 of the states ratified it, and 8 states didn't take any action.
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After the ratification
After the amendment was ratified, the states were given the right to have their own laws on alcohol. Even though it was legal again, most states continued to stay 'dry'.Mississippi was the state to stay dry the longest after the ratification, they were dry until 1966.
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Years later
As of 2011, the 21st amendment is the only amendment that was made to directly repeal a preexisting amendment.
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Positives of this amendment
One of the biggest positives of the passing of the 21st amendment was that the crime rate greatly decreased. The government also started taxing the alcohol which made the government more money.
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This amendment set the national drinking age to 21