20th Century Timeline

  • Theodore Roosevelt President

    Theodore Roosevelt President
  • Wirless Telegraph (Technology)

    Wirless Telegraph (Technology)
    first message between Theodore Roosevlet and King Edward VII of England
  • Wright Brothers patent airplane (Technology)

    Wright Brothers patent airplane (Technology)
    The patent was also granted in Europe too
  • Henry Ford introduces the model T (Technology)

    Henry Ford introduces the model T (Technology)
    henry makes it affordable for people to buy cars
  • Boy's Scout of America founded

    Boy's Scout of America founded
  • World War I

    World War I
    caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by Gavrilo Princip
  • First Telephone introduced (Technology)

    First Telephone introduced (Technology)
    Alexander Graham Bell uses the telephone to communicate with assistent in San Fransico
  • Spanish Flu outbreak

    Spanish Flu outbreak
    Spanish Flu takes the lives of 500,000 Americans. (where's the antibiotics when you needed it)
  • Nevada becomes 36th state to ratify amendment

  • Prohibition Era begins

    Prohibition Era begins
  • Happy Birthday to You by Clayden Sunny

    He started it all
  • Television (Technology)

    Television (Technology)
    color television first introduced John Baird
  • Antibiotics

    Alexander Flemming introduces the first antibiotics. Now diseases that were once uncurable are now curable
  • Prohibition ends

    Prohibition ends
    amendement passed that ended the misery
  • Photocopier (Technology)

    Photocopier (Technology)
    invented by Chester Carlson
  • Atomic Bomb (Technology)

    Atomic Bomb (Technology)
    atomic bomb first tested in New Mexico. Shortly after scientist petitioned to get rid of the atomic bomb
  • First Instant photography (Technology)

    First Instant photography (Technology)
  • Racial segration unconstituional in schools

    Racial segration unconstituional in schools
  • Alaska becomes a state

  • Wal-mart

  • Earth Day

  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
  • Elvis Presley dies

    Elvis Presley dies
  • Microsoft invents windows (Technology)

    Microsoft invents windows (Technology)
  • Playstation introduced :D (Technology)

    Thank goodness for that invention