20th Century History

  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  • Period: to

    world war one

  • Germany declares war on Russia

  • Germany declares war on France

  • Germany declares war on Belguim, a result of this is Britain delcares war on Germany

  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia

  • Germany defeats Russa in the Battle of Tennenberg, this was a big victory

  • Christmas Truce

  • Becomes a total war

  • Any ship approaching England is considered a legitimate target to Germany

  • Tsar Nicholas takes command of the Russian armies.

  • British use gas in battle

  • the Battle of Verdun

  • Canadians take Vimy Ridge

  • Germany again declares unrestricted submarine warfare.

  • Provisional government is declared byTsar Nicholas II

  • French kill 25000 of there own men just to move 500 yards

  • French army goes on strike.

  • The first wave of the American Expeditionary Force lands in France.

  • Third Battle of Ypres,

  • influenza kills more then the war did

  • Germans launch the first of five major offensives

  • the war ends as Germany and Allies sign an Armistice.