
20th Century History

  • The Triple Alliance

    The Triple Alliance
    Austria-Hungary, Italy and Germany form the Triple Alliance, a militaristic alliance that was an agreement to support the members if they were attacked by Russia or France.
  • Moroccan Crisis I

    Moroccan Crisis I
    France was interested in Morocco at this time, so Germany tried to intervene and gain lands in Morocco. However, Britain and Russia supported France's dominance there. So, Germany had a diplomatic setback. The Triple Alliance was seen here in full effect for the first time.
  • 30 Aug 1907, The Triple Entente

    30 Aug 1907, The Triple Entente
    Russia joined Britain and France, creating the militaristic agreement called the Triple Entente. Like the Triple Alliance, the Entente promised to attac k if one of their members was attacked.
  • The Balkan Crisis

    The Balkan Crisis
    Austria wanted to overtake Bosnia-Herzegovina. Serbia, backed up by Russia, said that this take over threatened Serbia’s independence. Germany helped Austria, but the war was avoided. This was main causes of WW1 as it began the increasing tension in the Balkans region and it made the major powers (Austria-Hungary, Russia and Germany) come into conflict.
  • Morocco Crisis II

    Morocco Crisis II
    The Second Moroccan Crisis was caused by the presence of the German gunboat, Panther, in the Moroccan port of Agadir on July 1, 1911. It was an attempt to scare the French into giving Germany concessions at the Algericas Conference. Germany said that the Panther would be withdrawn from Agadir when the French withdrew from Fez. Basically all parties involved became in conflict for a second time.
  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria organized the Balkan League and invaded Turkey as they thought that Turkey desired power over the Balkan states. They defeated Turkey. In 1913, Bulgaria, backed up by Austria, invaded Greece and Serbia was defeated. Thiswas a cause of WW1 as it led to more tension between the Balkan States.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
    The heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated by a terrorist group. This event led to a series of ultimatums in Serbia and caused the start of WW1.
  • Britain declares war, Canada follows automatically

    Britain declares war, Canada follows automatically
    Britain declares war, and Canada declares war automatically. This is because Britain controlled Canada's foreign policy at the time.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    Defining moment for Germany. Germany thougt that the war would be quickly ended and that the Germans would be able to finish off the Allies with their Schlieffen Plan. However, Chief of Staff Helmuth von Moltke the Younger changed the plan and this led to the German failure. After this battle, which the Allies won, both sides dug trenches and got in a stalemate.
  • First battle of Somme

    First battle of Somme
    Defining moment for France. A large-scale offensive was launched on 1st July against the German Front Line at the Somme River.
  • Vimy Ridge

    Vimy Ridge
    Canada's defining moment. Canadian Corps captured the ridge with technical and tactical innovation, meticulous planning, powerful artillery support and extensive training,
  • Russia drops out of the war

    Russia drops out of the war
    Russia drops out of the war when Lenin signs the Decree on Peace.
  • The Battle of Cambrai

    The Battle of Cambrai
    Defining moment for Britain. The British launched the first full-scale offensive that was showcased British tanks. The British broke through some parts of the Hindenburg line.
  • Cantigny

    Defining moment for Americans. First victory for American troops. The Allies got a large amount of fresh American troops, so Germany was really disadvantaged by the Americans joining in 1917.
  • Canada's economy changes as a result of the war

    Canada's economy changes as a result of the war
    In Canada after the war, the heightened demand for goods and services. ended Although auto plants prospered, most other factories such as chemical and steel were shutting down, triggering unemployment.
  • The signing of the treaty of Versailles

    The signing of the treaty of Versailles
    The treaty ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. The treaty had many implications on Germany. Germany's military was greatly reduced and Germany had to pay a lot of money as war reparations. Also, Germany had to accept full responsibility for causing the war. The treaty was one of the things that Adolf Hitler used to rally the German people.
  • Alsace-Lorraine goes from German back to French hands

    Alsace-Lorraine goes from German back to French hands
    France gets Alsace-Lorraine back from Germany. This is a result of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • League of Nations Created

    League of Nations Created
    The League of Nations is created, but the USA doesn't join.
  • Adolf Hitler's First Speech

    Adolf Hitler's First Speech
    Adolf Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles because he didn't believe that Germany actually lost the war. He thought that a Jewish Conspiracy had made Germany give up the fighting even though Germany could have kept fighting. So, he started making speeches about how bad the Treaty of Versailles was, and this made him very popular with the German people. This is becaus they were really poor because of the war reparations and they didn't like that they had to take full responsibility for the war.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    This shows the imperialism that was going on before the start of WW2. Japan wanted more living space for the Japanese, and this inspired Hitler to try to get more living space for the Germans.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt Elected American President

    Franklin D Roosevelt Elected American President
    Franklin D Roosevelt Elected American President
  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • Enabling Act Makes Hitler the Dictator of Germany

    Enabling Act Makes Hitler the Dictator of Germany
    With the enabling act, HItler is allowed to do whatever he wants in Germany. He has complete control over the country and its military.
  • Britain and Poland sign a Pact

    Britain and Poland sign a Pact
    Britain promises to protect Poland in the event that Germany tries to invade.
  • Italy and Abyssinia

    Italy and Abyssinia
    Italy, under the dictator named Benito Mussolini, invades Ethiopia. The League of Nations didn't take military action against Italy, even though they said they would. The only thing the League did was say that Italy was doing a bad thing. Adolf Hitler saw the League's inaction and he got inspired to start invading other countries.
  • Hitler defies Treaty of Versailles and introduces military Conscritption

    Hitler defies Treaty of Versailles and introduces military Conscritption
    The Treaty of Versailles was designed to weaken the German military strength in Europe. Hitler did not want a militaristically weak Germany, so he introduced conscription again after it had been banned by the Treaty.
  • German troops occupy the Rhineland

    German troops occupy the Rhineland
    The Rhineland was a part of France that Germans were supposed to stay away from. However, Hitler put his troops in the Rhineland, and the Allies did nothing. This made Hitler very confident, and he started to get bold.
  • Hossbach Conference

    Hossbach Conference
    Adolf Hitler held a secret conference in the Reich Chancellery. He talked about Lebensraum, or living space, for the German people and how he could get it. He needed to start a war with France and Britain, but he didn't know when. This conference is significant because it shows that Hitler was definitely planning for war.
  • Union with Austria

    Union with Austria
    Germany is joined with Austria. This was against the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, but yet again, the Allies did nothing but denounce the action.
  • British Prime Minister Chamberlain Appeases Adolf Hitler

    British Prime Minister Chamberlain Appeases Adolf Hitler
    The British Prime Minister meets with Adolf Hitler and tells him that he wants peace. Adolf Hitler pretends like he wants peace, too. Secretly, he was planning to dominate all of Europe.
  • German Troops Occupy Sudetenland

    German Troops Occupy Sudetenland
    Hitler's conquest is well underway; he takes Sudetenland without the Allies getting mad.
  • Germany takes over Czechoslovakia

    Germany takes over Czechoslovakia
    The Czech government falls to Germany.
  • Pact of Steel Signed between Italy and Germany

    Pact of Steel Signed between Italy and Germany
    Germany and Italy sign a military treaty. The two countries promise to protect one another. Here, we see the start of a treaty system that matches the one that was a reason for the start of WW1.
  • German Military starts to Mobilize

    German Military starts to Mobilize
    The German military readies for war.
  • Germany and The Soviet Union sign a Pact

    Germany and The Soviet Union sign a Pact
    Hitler and Stalin meet and sign a pact that says that they will protect one another and the two countries will conquer and divide Poland.

    Germany invades Poland and brutalizes the Polish people. This was the straw that broke the Allies' back; they realized Hitler would not stop his conquest without force.
  • Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany

    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany
    The Allies have had enough of Germany's conquest. War is declared, starting WW2.