20th century history

  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy builds military tension in Europe.
  • european imperialism territorial expansion

    european imperialism territorial expansion
    tension between Italy, Germany, Britiain, Austria-Hungary, Russia.
  • Triple Entente. Formed (or Allies) between Great Britain,France, Russia

    Triple Entente. Formed (or Allies) between Great Britain,France, Russia
    all Europe prepares to defend their allies.
  • Assissination of Serbian nationalists killed Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife sophia in Sarajevo.

    Assissination of Serbian nationalists killed Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife sophia in Sarajevo.
    Austria- Hungary declares war on serbia.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Germany troops invade Belgium British demand German withdrawal.
  • Russia France mobilize troops

    Russia France mobilize troops
    Germany declares war on Russia.
  • Germany refused to withdraw

    Germany refused to withdraw
    Britain declared war on Germany. Forcing Canada as a Dominion into war.
  • Treaty signed between Bratain and Japan

    Treaty signed between Bratain and Japan
    Japan declares war on Germany.
  • Caanda passes war Measures Act

    Caanda passes war Measures Act
    Governmant has more powers over civilians lives and property.
  • the battle of YPRE

    the battle of YPRE
    the first battle in trench warfare for Canadian.German used gas to fight.
  • Battle of Second Ypres

    Battle of Second Ypres
    Major battle for Canadians and use of Chlorine gas by Germans.
  • Germany U-Boats sink Lusitania

    Germany U-Boats sink Lusitania
    America outtaged
  • Italy enters war

    Italy enters war
    Sided with Allies.
  • the battle of the somme

    the battle of the somme
    British general used the old tactics against machine guns
    which resulted in high casualties
  • Battle of Beaumont Hamel Poorly Planned British Oftensive

    Battle of Beaumont Hamel Poorly Planned British Oftensive
    Newfoundland Regiment had 710 out of 801 soldiers killed, missing or wounded within 30 minutes.
  • the united states declares war on Germany.

    the united states declares war on Germany.
    they bombed a U.S. boat which carried 1200 passengers.
  • U.S declares war on Germany

    U.S declares war on Germany
    More llies to fight in Europe
  • Vimy Ridge

    Vimy Ridge
    major canadian battle.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge.

    Battle of Vimy Ridge.
    Can acknowledged for skill and planning as well as fighting
  • the battle of PASSCHENDAELE

    the battle of PASSCHENDAELE
    Canadian general in charge, we won the fight.
  • Passendale

    Canadian serving under Canada direction captured objective with heavy casualtives.
  • Revolution in Russia.

    Revolution in Russia.
    Bolsheviks sign armistice with Germany.
  • the treaty of versailles.

    the treaty of versailles.
    The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918
  • World War I ended.

    World War I ended.
    the war has ended soilers are going home.
  • Canada's Hundred Days

    Canada's Hundred Days
    Canada important participants in a series of battles eventually German forces defeated.
  • Signed of Treaty of versilles (Canada)

    Signed of Treaty of versilles (Canada)
    Germany looses territory military power and is responsible for huge monetary payments to Aliies forced to admit it stated WWI.
  • "big three"

    "big three"
    The treaty was signed on June 28th 1919 after months of argument and negotiation amongst the so-called "Big Three" as to what the treaty should contain.The "Big Three" were David Lloyd George of Britain, Clemenceau of France and Woodrow Wilson of America.
  • The First Meeting of the League of Nations

    The First Meeting of the League of Nations
    The Assembly of the League of Nations meets for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland. Established so no big war could start again.
  • crash of 1929

    crash of 1929
    the new york stock market crashed leading North America into a huge economic depression
  • German Election

    German Election
    Nazi party elected 2nd largest in Germany.
  • American Election

    American Election
    Franklin Roosevelt elected president of U.S
  • Hitler

    Hitler is appointed chamcellor of germany
  • Buring of Reichstag (German Parliament)

    Buring of Reichstag (German Parliament)
    Nazis told Germans communists responsible.
  • Passing of Hitler's Law for removing the destress of the people and the Reich (Enabling Act)

    Passing of Hitler's Law for removing the destress of the people and the Reich (Enabling Act)
    Gave Hitler full dictatorial power.
  • Germans urged to boycott Jewish businesses

    Germans urged to boycott Jewish businesses
    Jews Blamed for financial problems public hate for them grows.
  • NUrebuerg Race Laws

    NUrebuerg Race Laws
    Jews lost right to citizenship, not allowed to marry Aryans.
  • Ethiopia falls

    Ethiopia falls
    Mussolini's Italian Army take Ethiopia.
  • Hitler occupies Rhineland

    Hitler occupies Rhineland
    England and France do not respond with military
  • Japan attacks China

    Japan attacks China
    Invasion into Chinese territory
  • Canadian Hesitation

    Canada reluctant to go to war, coming out of Depression
  • Jewish Refugees refused into Canada

    Jewish Refugees refused into Canada
    Canada only wanted caucasion immigrants boat with Jews sent back to Germany.
  • Soviet/German Pact

    Soviet/German Pact
    Soviets won't defend Poland will divide Eastern Europe with German.
  • German Invade Poland

    German Invade Poland
    Britain gives ultimatium of war if they dont withdraw.
  • Britain, France declare war on Germany.

    Britain, France declare war on Germany.
    start of world war II.
  • Britis commonwealth air training plan

    Britis commonwealth air training plan
    canada agree to train pilots.
  • Battle of France

    Battle of France
    Franch & Allies beaten.
  • Dunkirk

    Huge evacuation of soilders by British military and civilians.
  • Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxenburg, Netherlands.

    Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxenburg, Netherlands.
    war spreads in Europe.
  • France asks for armisticed

    France asks for armisticed
    France surrenders to Germany.
  • battle of britain begins

    battle of britain begins
    Heavy bombing on Britain.
  • Canadian government rations & controls

    Canadian government rations & controls
    Wage & price controls initiated & some rationing.
  • battle of Britain over.

    battle of Britain over.
    Hitler stops attacks on Britain.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Hitler breaks pact with U.S.S.R and attacks.
  • Germany Declares war on U.S.

    Germany honoured Axis Pact.
  • Hong Kong falls

    Hong Kong falls
    Japanese take Hong Kong.
  • Germany Declares war on U.S.

    Germany Declares war on U.S.
    Germany honoured Axis pact.
  • Hong Kong falls

    Hong Kong falls
    Japanese take Hong Kong.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbour by Japan

    Bombing of Pearl Harbour by Japan
    United States declares war on Japan.
  • Japanese internment camps set up

    Japanese internment camps set up
    22.000 Japanese-Canadians living on west coast were relocated by Government.
  • Dieppe Raid Operation Jubilee

    Dieppe Raid Operation Jubilee
    failure as Allies attacked Heavily defended coast.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    600,000 dead turning point of war.
  • German's suffer huge defeat

    German's suffer huge defeat
    Red Army reclaims stalingrad
  • German & Italian troops can't hold North Africa

    German & Italian troops can't hold North Africa
    Both armies surrender.
  • Italians surrender

    Italians surrender
    No longer at war with Allies.
  • Soviets advance

    Soviets advance
    They recapture Kiev in the Ukraine.
  • German withdrawals

    German withdrawals
    they withdraw to adolftiltler Line.
  • D-Day

    Operation Overload massive invasion by Allies on Normandy coast Allies free Paris
  • Berlin under attack by Soviets

    Berlin under attack by Soviets
    Red Army moves on Berlin
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Germans left without their leader.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    German forces surrender to Allies
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Victory Day celebrated in Europe.
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    Americans use nuclear bomb
  • Soviets declare war on Japan

    Soviets declare war on Japan
    Soviets invade Manchuria