War desert storm

20th Century events Timeline

  • Galveston Storm

    Galveston Storm
    On September 8, 1900 a hurricane was coming and people began preparing. The hurricane was called Galveston Storm and was located in Galveston, Texas. It hit later that day drowning people and buildings. To rebuild they had to establish the commission's plan.
  • Spindletop

    Spindletop was a place where people would strike for oil, so when Anthony F. Lucas found traces of oil he quickly kept digging. Lucas did not have strong enough tools to get low enough in the ground. Soon after his unsuccessful attempts,
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    World War I

    WW1 started in Europe while the Mexican Revolution was being fought. Most americans didn't want to pick sides but it was hard because there were many deaths between both people. Shortly after World War I ended, World War II had begun.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The eighteenth amendment stated that the manufacturing, selling, and/or transportation of alcohol was against the law. This amendment won the support of enough state legislature to be ratified in 1919. As a result, the selling of alcohol became illegal. Morris Sheppard came up with the 18th amendment, and it was passed.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th amendment states that all american women are guaranteed the right to vote. Many women in other states were working for suffrage. women worked tirelessly to get this law passed, but strategies for achieving their goal varied. Some pursued a strategy of passing suffrage acts in each state--few western states adopted woman suffrage legislation by 1912.The amendment granted women the right to vote
  • First Woman Governor of Texas

    First Woman Governor of Texas
    Miriam A. “Ma” Ferguson became the first woman governor of the state of texas in 1925. When she was running for governor, she took a strong stand against the Ku Klux Klan. She and her family were also quite famous which also put more votes in the box for her.
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    Great Depression and Dust Bowl

    During the Great Depression, The bank rose prices for stocks. The farmers didn't have enough money to spend on loans, so the banks shut down. Farmers could not buy anything, leading to the great depression. Additionally, the dry farming techniques used by farmers caused the dust bowl.
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    *World War II*

    On Sep. 1, 1939 World War 2 began. The war took 6 years and 1 day. The Japanese troops bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and that is when we joined in the fight and made allies. Allied victory, collapse of the German Reich, creation of the United Nations, emergence of the U.S. and the soviet union as a superpower. During the war, the Holocaust was also going on. The Holocaust and the world war killed over a mass of 50 million people! World War II ended on September 2, 1945.
  • Sweatt vs. Painter

    Sweatt vs. Painter
    Sweatt vs. Painter was a U.S. Supreme Court case that successfully challenged the “separate but equal” doctrine of racial segregation established by the 1896 case, Plessy vs. Ferguson. Due to the “non” racial discrimination there were still some rages. Most of this time was not very peaceful for most citizens.
  • Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka*

    Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka*
    Brown vs. BOE was a big U.S. Supreme Court case in which the court declared laws creating separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional. This abolished racial segregation in schools. By abolishing racial segregation in schools, black and white kids were put in schools together. In 1951, an action suit was filed against the BOE in the city of Topeka in the U.S. district court for the district of Kansas. Most schools were segregated until the 1960’s due to segregation laws.
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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam war was a conflict between North Vietnam and South Vietnam (who was accompanied by the US). The war began after the rise of power to Ho Chi Minh and his communist party in North Vietnam. More than 3 million people were killed in the Vietnam War (including Americans). This war willed the beginning of the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union.
  • Presidential election of 1960

    Presidential election of 1960
    in the presidential election of 1960, the candidates were Richard Nixon, Dwight Eisenhower and the democratic newcomer John F. Kennedy. Out of the three, John F. Kennedy was elected as the US President. Kennedy was the youngest and only roman catholic citizen that has been elected as US president. He won the popular vote by 100.000 votes.
  • Henry B. Gonzalez elected to US Congress

    Henry B. Gonzalez elected to US Congress
    Henry B. Gonzalez had a strong personality and received national attention for various reasons. Gonzalez was the first hispanic representative from Texas and served in Congress from 1961 to 1999. He died on November 28, 2000 at age 84 in San Antonio Texas.
  • JFK'S Assassination

    On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was shot and killed. The weapon that killed J.F.K was a 6.5x52mm italian Carcano m91/38 bolt action rifle. The two others in the limo who were injured were Governor Connally and James Tague. The assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald.
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    Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act

    The civil rights act and voting rights act is a landmark of national legislation in the U.S.that outlawed discriminatory voting practice that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans in the U.S. The murder of voting rights activists in Philadelphia and Mississippi gained national attention. Along with that, The civil rights act was a cruel/scary time for most people.
  • Barbara Jordan Elected to US Congress

    Barbara Jordan Elected to US Congress
    Barbara Jordan was the first black woman to serve in the US Congress in the South. Barbara was a very intelligent woman. She ran for Congress in 1972 and was elected unanimously. Both as a state senator and U.S congresswoman, she sponsored important bills such as the Workman’s compensation act which increased maximum benefits paid to injured workers. Barbara was a great impact to our US Government
  • The first republican governor of Texas since 1870

    The first republican governor of Texas since the 1870’s was William P. Clements. William Perry “Bill” Clements served in the government for two sessions, one in 1978-1991 and the other from 1979-1983! William died not too long ago, dating back to May 29, 2011. He died at the age of 94.
  • VP george Bush in Reagan Administration

    George Bush was Ronald Reagan’s vice president for eight years. In 1988, George was elected by the Americans as President of the United States. George Bush ran for vice president on the Republican ticket with Ronald Reagan in 1980-1984.
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    George Bush as President

    In 1988, George Bush was elected president. Upon becoming president, Bush brought many Texans into his administration. This administration included Secretary of State, James Baker. Bush promised steady, experienced leadership. Bush increased support for the War on Drugs. In 1990, George Bush signed with Americans with the Disabilities Act. George Bush was part of the republican party. He served as the 41st president!
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    Operation Desert Storm

    The first major foreign crisis for the U.S. after the Cold War presented itself in 1990. Saddam Hussein lead his troops to kuwait, fully equipped. After the US aided Iraq in their war with Iran, Saddam wanted saudi arabia next so Iraq could have a fitfth of the worlds oil. In the end of 1990, the US joined in the defense of S. Arabia known as Operation Desert Shield. ON January 16th, the iraqis bombed them, turning the desert shield into a full war- Oprtation Desert Storm.
  • Geoge W. Bush (BONUS)

    George Bush’s son, George W. Bush ran for president. He had a hard competition against vice president Al Gore. George W. Bush won over Florida and became president.
  • Governor Rick Perry (BONUS)

    Governor Rick Perry was elected Texas Governor in 2000. Perry focused on Technology for school children. He also worked on transportation. In addition to that, Health Care was also an issue he was willing to help with.