
20th Century China

By jonnah
  • Chinese Dynasty Collapses

    Chinese Dynasty Collapses
  • Communist Party is Founded

    Communist Party is Founded
    Mao Tse-Tung comes to power and founds the communist party.
  • Alliance with Chinese Communists and Russia

    Alliance with Chinese Communists and Russia
    Sun Yat Sen forms an alliance with the Chinese Communists and Russia.
  • Sun Dies

    Sun Dies
    Sun Yat Sen dies and Chaing becomes the leader Guamindang.
  • Nationalist Party is Founded

    Nationalist Party is Founded
    Chaing Kai Shek comes to power and forms and Nationalist Party.
  • The Long March

    The Long March
    After breaking through the nationalists, the communists march for 5,00 miles to keep the idea of communism alive.
  • Japanese Invasion

    Japanese Invasion
    Japan has control of most of northern China.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor in an attempt to nutralize the US Pacific Fleet.
  • United States Bombs Japan

    United States Bombs Japan
    The United States drops two atomic bombs on Japan causing them to surrender officailly ending the conflict between the US and Japan.
  • Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War
    After the US supplied Chaing with money, weapons, and extra supplies, a Civil War broke out. By 1949, Chaing knew he was defeated and fled across the ocean to Taiwan.
  • Nationalists Lose

    Nationalists Lose
    The Nationalists lose to the communists and declair the Peoples Republic of China.
  • "Red Book March"

    "Red Book March"
    Millions of teenagers march through the streets waving their little red books.
  • Great Leap Forward

    Great Leap Forward
    The Great Leap Forward was an attempt to make China a more modern country, but it was unsuccessful.
  • Liu Is Arrested and Dies

    Liu Is Arrested and Dies
    Mao has Liu Shaoqi arrested, who later died from brutal beatings and lack of medical care.
  • Mao Tse-Tung Dies

    Mao Tse-Tung Dies
    After being in poor health for several years and suffering a heart attack, Mao Tse-Tung dies at 33 years old.