Interwar Period

  • Start of Soviet Union

    Start of Soviet Union
    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was founded in November 1917 by the Bolshevik Party. Led by Vladimir Lenin and, after 1923, by Josef Stalin, the Bolsheviks (later known as the Communists) established Communist rule in the former Russian Empire after the conclusion of a bitter civil war in 1921.
  • End of ww1

    End of ww1
    After more than four years of horrific fighting and the loss of millions of lives, the guns on the Western Front fell silent. Although fighting continued elsewhere, the armistice between Germany and the Allies was the first step to ending World War I.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918 and in the shadow of the Russian Revolution and other events in Russia. Germany were punished for their actions and it left a huge grudge that sets up Germany for ww2.
  • Mussolini takes the power

    Mussolini takes the power
    Mussolini started his time in power by buying support from both the working class and the industrial bosses. Changed Italy's constitution and brought about many changes in Italy.
  • Stalin gains power

    Stalin gains power
    He rised to power and did three main things. The five year plan, collectivisation, and the purges. Fought as leader of Russia in ww2.
  • Crack of New York store market

    Crack of New York store market
    On October 29, 1929, panic gripped investors on the New York Stock Exchange, who got rid of more than 16 million shares, causing financial chaos and a collapse in the value of the shares of the country's most important companies.
  • II republic

    II republic
    The Second Spanish Republic, whose official name was the Spanish Republic, was the democratic regime that existed in Spain between April 14, 1931, the date of its proclamation, replacing the monarchy of Alfonso XIII.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    In the hope of creating a stable government, the elderly President Hindenburg agreed to the plan. So on 30 January 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    The Spanish Civil War was fought from 1936 to 1939 between the Republicans and the Nationalists. Republicans were loyal to the left-leaning Popular Front government of the Second Spanish Republic, and consisted of various socialist, communist, separatist, anarchist, and republican parties, some of which had opposed the government in the pre-war period
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    On this day in 1938, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact, which seals the fate of Czechoslovakia, virtually handing it over to Germany in the name of peace. Upon return to Britain, Chamberlain would declare that the meeting had achieved "peace in our time."
  • Begin of ww2

    Begin of ww2
    Adolf Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, marking the beginning of World War II. Over the next six years, the conflict took more lives and destroyed more land and property around the globe than any previous war
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign, Polish Campaign, Polish War of 1939, and Polish Defense War of 1939, was a joint attack against the Republic of Poland by of Nazi Germany,
  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway

    Germany invades Denmark and Norway
    Under the code name 'Operation Weserübung', Nazi Germany attacked Denmark and Norway on 9 April 1940. On that same day, Denmark surrendered and was occupied. The country was a useful base of operations for the fight against Norway.
  • Germany invades Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg

    Germany invades Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg
    On 10 May 1940, Germany invaded the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. Luxembourg was occupied that same day. The Netherlands surrendered on 15 May, Belgium on the 28th. At first, Great Britain supported the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, but it withdrew later.
  • Australia declares war on Japan

    Australia declares war on Japan
    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on 7 December 1941, which immediately led the United States and Great Britain to declare war on Japan. The next day Australia declared war on Japan, the first declaration of war Australia had ever made independently of Britain.
  • End of ww2

    End of ww2
    The final battles of the European theatre of World War II continued after the definitive surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allies, signed by Field marshal Wilhelm Keitel on 8 May 1945 in Karlshorst, Berlin. After German leader Adolf Hitler's suicide and handing over of power to grand admiral Karl Dönitz in May 1945.