The Gold Standard Act is ratified
US Steel is founded by Morgan
MCKINLEY ASSONATED and TR becomes President.
FIrst Roe Bowl game played
The first movie theater opens in LA
Ford Motor company formed
Pure Food and drug act
First World Series
Great Train Robery- Movie comes out
Wright brothers have their first flight
Industrial Workers of the World is founded
Oklahoma becomes state
FBI established
Ford introduces the model T
Taft is elected President
One Millionth Model T Rolls Off Assembly Line
Jack Johnson becomes the first black heavy weight champ
Sweat Shop Fire
First Indi 500
The Discovery of Manchu Picchu
Idaho Big Burn
Girl Scouts of America founded
Titanic Sinks
Grand Central opens
WWI Starts
The Panama Canal Opens
World War I Christmas Truce
The British warship Formidable is hit
Lusitania Sunk By Torpedo
U.S. President Woodrow Wilson Marries Edith Galt
U.S. Enters World War I
Palmer Raids
Senate Rejects League
Nineteenth Amendment
Baseball's World Series is broadcast on radio for the first time
Harding Landslide
Harding Dies
Ford Motor Company exceeds $1 billio
F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby.
John Scopes is arrested for teaching evolution
Klansmen March
Charlie Chaplin's popular silent comedy The Gold Rush premieres
Aviator Charles Lindbergh completes the first solo transatlantic flight
Babe Ruth hits his 60th home run of the season
Hoover President
"Saint Valentine's Day Massacre,"
American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovers the planet Pluto
he London Naval Reduction Treaty is signed into law by the United States
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act is signed by President Herbert Hoover
Inventor Thomas Alva Edison dies.
The ruins of the ancient Indian villages around Canyon de Chelly are designated a national monument by President Herbert Hoover.
The Star-Spangled Banner, by Francis Scott Key, is approved by President Hoover and Congress as the national anthem
The state of Nevada legalizes gambling.
- Construction is completed on the Empire State Building in New York City and it opens for business
The infant son of Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., is kidnaped.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated for the first time.
The New Deal social and economic programs are passed by the United States Congress
The Civilian Conservation Corps is authorized under the Federal Unemployment Relief Act
The Century of Progress World's Fair opens in Chicago
The 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is passed, ending prohibition.
The Master's golf tournament is held for the first time at Augusta National Golf Club,
JFk Wins precidency
Kennedy Inaugural
Minimum Wage Hike
Federal Protection for Freedom Riders
Kennedy Proposes Moon Program
National Guard Desegregates Ole Miss
JFK Proposes Big Tax Cuts
Kennedy Assassination
LBJ Declares War on Poverty
Civil Rights Act of 1964