Italy became a country
Franco-Prussian War
Period: to
20 th Century
Germany became a country
Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary
Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
France and Russia became allies
Tha National Union of Women's sufrage was set up in Britain (suffragists)
Entente Cordiale between France and Britain
War between Russia and Japan
Argentina: End of Julio Argentino Roca's presidency
Argentina: Manuel Quintana's presidency
First Duma in Russia with free elections (soon dissmised by the Tsar)
Beggining of Liberal Reforms in Britain
Argentina: Jose Figueroa Alcorta's presidency
Triple Entente between France, Britain and Russia
The Women's Social and Political Union was set up in Britain (suffragettes)
Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia
Argentina: Roque Saenz Peña's presidency
The Ottomans were drove out of the Balkans
Argentina: Saenz Peña Law
Serbia was enlarged
Germany invaded Belgium
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo
Austria declared war on Serbia
Russia, supporting Serbia, began to movilise
Germany declared war on Russia
Germany declared war on France
Britain declared war on the Central Powers
Battle of Marne (both sides took up trench positions)
The Luisitania was sunk by a German U-boat
Italy declare war on Austria-Hungary
Battle of Jutland (naval battle between Britain and Germany)
Rasputin was murdered in Russia
Argentina: Irigoyen was elected president
Russian Revolution
The Tsar abdicated and the Duma formed a provisional government lead by Kerensky
The Bolsheviks seized power in the October Revolution
USA entered the war on the Allied side
Russia made peace with Germany
In Britain a restrictive number of women gained the right to vote for the first time
Civil war in Russia
The Germans asked for an armistice and the First World War came to an end
Argentina: a student movement started at the University of Cordoba, whixh eventually lead to the university Reform
The Treaty of Versailles
The USA "Prohibition" (alcohol was forbidden)
Argentina: The Tragic Week
War between Greece and Turkey
Hitler launched the NAZI Party
Elections USA: Warren Harding became president
End of the Russian Civil war and Russian famine
Lenin's death. A struggle for power between Stalin and Trotsky began
Argentina: Marcelo T. de Alvear was elected president
The French sent troops into Germany's industrial area
Hitler announced he was taking over the government and was arrested
USA: president Harding died suddenly and Calvin Coolidge became president
Corfu Incident ( an Italian General was shot in Greece-Mussolini attacked the Greek island)
The Locarno pact was signed
Germany joined the League of Nations
General strike from all the major industries in Britain
Kellogg Pact (between 65 countries)
In Britain, women gained the right to vote on the same basis as men
In Russia, Stalin had gained complete control of the country and launched the Five Years Plan
USA: Herverd Hoovert became president
Argentina: Irigoyen was re-elected
The Wall Street Crash
The NAZIs gained a lot of votes
Argentina: A military coup led by Uriburu overthrew Irigoyen's government and began a period known as The Infamous Decade
Japanese army invaded Manchuria (China)
USA: Franklin D. Roosvelt won the elections
New Deal Plan was started
USA: The "Prohibition" was ended
Argentina: Agustin P. Justo won the elections, which are said to have been heavily fraudulent
Hitler became dictator of Germany
Japan left the league
Hitler withdrew Germany from the league
The NAZI party became the only political legal party
Russia became a member of the League of Nations
Italy invaded Ethiopia
Hitler invaded Austria
Unemployment was reduced by expanding the German army, navy and air force
Hitler passed the Nuremberg Laws
Naval agreement between Germany and Britain
USA: Roosvelt was re-elected
Rome-Berlin Axis
Re-occupation of the Rhine Land
The Spanish Civil War broke out
Argentina: Roberto Ortiz was elected president
Italy left the league
Mussolini joined the Anti-Comintern Pact
The NAZIs ordered an attack on Jews and their property
Hitler ordered the anexation of Austria
The Gestapo began to round up Jews and sent them to concentration camp
Hitler's army marched into Czechoslovakia
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
Hitler invaded Poland- Outbreak of the Second Worls War
Fall of Western Europe
Winston Churchill became the British Prime Minister
Germans launched a Blitzkrieg attack against the Low Countries and France
Mossolini declared war on Britain
German bombing to British cities started
Rationing was introduced in Britain
Jews were killed in thousands in specially-built gas chambers
USA: Roosvelt led the USA into Second World War
Hitler invaded Russia (Operation Barbarossa)
The Japanese attacked the American base al Pearl Harbor - Roosevelt declared war on Germany and Japan
Roosevelt organised the 'Lend-Lease' scheme (Britain could borrow military equipment)
Argentina: Ramon Castillo took power
Allied bombing of Germany started
Operation Torch (Churchill and Roosevelt attacked North Africa)
Battle of the Coral Sea
Battle of Midway
Argentina: Arturo Rawson and Pedro Pablo Ramirez took power by force
The Teheran Conference (Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchil)
Argentina: Argentia made a late declaration of war on Germany
General de Gaulle became the new President of France
Bomb Plot (attempt to assassinate Hitler)
The Allies entered Rome and Florence
The Japanese invade India
Battle of Leyte Gulfe
The United Nations Organisation was set up
President Roosevelt died
The Yalta Conference (Allied leaders)
Atomic bomb testing at Los Alamos in the Nevada desert
Stalin, Churchill and Truman gathered at the Potsdam Conference to decide how to administer the defeated Nazi Germany
The bomber 'Enola Gay' drops an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima
The USSR declares war on Japan
Second atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki
The war in Europe ended
Argentina: General Juan Peron became president
Truman sets up the National Security Council (NSC)
Truman introduces The Truman Doctrine
Beginning of the Cold War
Truman's Secretary of State, General George Marshall puts forward Marshall Aid
Argentina: Women gained the right to vote
Weastern European countries form the "North Atlantic Treaty Organizarion" (NATO)
US president Harry S. Truman proposes The Fair Deal
Beginning of the Korean War
US alliance with Japan
Argentina: Peron was re-elected as president
End of the Korean War
Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement in tbe US
Argentina: "Revolucion Libertadora" military coup. Aramburu was named president.
Montgomery bus boycott led by Martin Luther King
Beginning of the Vietnam War
Launch of the Russian satellite 'sputnik' into orbit around the earth
Argentina: Frondizi won the elections
Building of the Berlin Wall to stop people from escaping from East Germany to West Germany
JFK establishes the Peace Corps
Cuban crisis
Argentina: Arturo Illia won the elctions
Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Argentina: military coup
Argentina: Ongania's de facto presidency
Argentina: The Night of the Long Batons (La Noche de los Bastones Largos)
Assassination of Martin Luther King
Argentina: "Cordobazo"
Watergate scandal
Argentina: Campora's presidency
Argentina: Peron was elected president again
Argentina: Peron died and his wife, Isabel, took control
End of the Vietnam War
Helsinki Accords
Argentina: Military coup called the National Organization Process
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Falklands (Malvinas) War
Argentina: Alfonsin was elected president
Gorbachev assumes as the Soviet Union's head of state
Argentina: Menem was elected president
Fall of the Berlin Wall
End of the Cold War