Begging of WW1
assisanation in Sarajevo -
First use of posion gas
Period: to
fist use pf posion gas
Revolution in Russia
End of World War 1
Ghandi´s salt march
Inaguration of Hitler
Enanctment of the Nuremberg racial laws
Period: to
spanish civil war
Annexation of Austria
Beginning of World War 2
Occupation of paris
Hitler on the climax of his power
Germany invades the URSS
Attack on pearl harbor
War ends in Europe
Atomic Bomb Hiroshima
Atomic Bomb Nagasaki
Independence of india
Period: to
korea war
Hydrogen bomb
Period: to
Suez crisis
Cuban revolution
Berlin Wall
Assissination of Kennedy
American bomb in Vietnam
End of Vietnam war
Chernobyl disaster
Fall of Berlin Wall