20th Centuary Timeline

  • Period: to

    Great Migration timeframe

  • Lenin led Russain Revolution

  • Period: to

    Wilson Presidency

  • Period: to

    WWI timeframe

    The time span of WWI. Germany vs the Allied forces.
  • Sink of the Lusitania

    Germany wages submarine warfare against the Great Britains & Irelands ship the Lusitania. It took 18 minutes for the vessel to sink
  • First Woman Elected to Congress

    Jeannette Pickering Rankin was the first woman to hold a high government position in Congress. Winning her house seat in 1916.
  • Selective Service Act

    This act authorized federal government to select people to fight in WWI
  • Espionage Act

  • Wilsons 14 points

  • Period: to

    Influenza Outbreak

  • Sedition Act

  • Schnek vs. US

  • Schenk vs. US

  • Steel Strike Ends

    Steel Strike Ends
    The Steel Strike, an attempt to organize the United States steel industry in the wake of WWI. The strike began on September 21st 1919. It was a union of skilled iron and steel workers which was deeply committed to craft unionism. (Organizing a labor union in a particluar industry of a particular craft) Even so, technological advances had decreased the number of skilled workers in the industries.
  • US rejects Legue of Nations membership

  • US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles

  • 19th Amenedment

  • Immigration Quota

    Immigration Quota
    The objective of this act was to temporarily limit the amount of immigrants coming into the US. Annual allowable quotas for each country of origin were calculated at 3 percent of the total number of foreign-born persons from that country recorded in the 1910 United States Census.
  • Time Magazine is published for the first time.

    Time Magazine is published for the first time.
    The first ever Time Magazine was published on this date, featuring John G. Cannon on it's cover. John was a Congressman who was retiring from his position at the age of 86. The magazine was 15 cents when it first hit stores in 1923. Time was co-founded by Britton Hadden and Henry Luce.
  • First flight to the North Pole

    First flight to the North Pole
    The first flight to the North Pole and back occurs when pilot Floyd Bennett, with Richard Evelyn Byrd as his navigator, guided a three-engine monoplane. They were later awarded the Medal of Honor for their achievement.
  • Martin Luther King is born.

    Martin Luther King is born.
    Future Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King is born in his grandfather's house in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King Jr. was the middle child of Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King.