Abe Lincoln
Because of the 4 month lame duck period, Abraham Lincoln couldnt adequitly deal with the succession of the southern states right away, like he wanted to. -
Authorizing the 20th
Senator George Norris of Nebraska authorized the initial resolution that set the basis for the 20th amendment. -
Proposing the 20th
Congress proposed the 20th amenment, moving the lame duck period from 4 months to 2 months instead.The original date was set because back when it was first written, old modes of transportation hindered the start up time. With newer faster ways to transport, the lame duck period could be significantly reduced. -
The Firt State
Just 2 days after it was proposed, Virginia went ahead and ratified the 20th right away. -
20th Amandment Ratified
Due to the great depression, the 73rd congress was finally able to ratify the 20th amendment, which moved the first day of the president's job, as well as Congress' to January instead of March. They moved it due to the great depression, as well as it being based off of uncommon technology before when the date was first written. -
Somebody attempted to kill FDR just a couple weeks after his innaguration. If they would have been successful then the Vice President would have taken over. -
FDR became the last president to be innaugurated on the March 4th date. After he was elected, he could finally have a chance to take control of the spiraling economy. -
The Last State
After a year, Missouri became the 36th state to ratify, which was the crucial 2/3 vote for the amenment to pass. Congress could now add it. -
Articles 1 and 2 Put into effect.
Articles 1 and 2 of the 20th amendment were put into effect, specifically stating the days that congress, as well as the President and Vice President are no longer in office. -
Birth of a New Congress
This day, the 74th congress is the first to convey in January instead of March. Clerck of the House South Trimble stated "This is the first time in 146 years that the old congress dies, and the new one is born."