2019 Tina Wang ICS FoF

By wan0701
  • 3500 BCE

    The invention of writing in Mesopotamia

    Cuniform is a system of writing first developed by the Sumerians of Mesopotamia Source: https://www.ancient.eu/cuneiform/
  • 2085 BCE

    (Judah)God makes a covenant with Abram

    God promised to make Abram the father of the people and Abram and descendants must obey God.
    Source: https://biblehub.com/timeline/
  • 2080 BCE

    (Canaan)Birth of Ishmael

    Abram and Sarah gave birth to Ishmael
    Source: https://biblehub.com/timeline/old.htm
  • 2067 BCE

    (Valley of Shaveh)God renews covenant

    Abram concerned with being childless so God promises again
    Source: https://biblehub.com/timeline/
  • 2067 BCE

    Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed

    "Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah--from the LORD out of the heavens."
    Source: https://biblehub.com/genesis/19.htm
  • 2061 BCE

    (Ancient Egypt)Mentuhotep II

    The Pharoah of the 11th dynasty who ruled for 51 years.
    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentuhotep_II
  • 2054 BCE

    (Region of Moriah) Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac

    God was going to test Abraham by putting Isaac's life on the line. To see whether Abraham was faithful towards God. However, God told Abraham to spare Isaac last second. How does God continue to advance his mission to reflect His glory in this story? He promised that Abraham would have descendants and promised Sarah a baby. And make Abraham the father of a great nation. However, this does not point to Abraham specifically but towards Jesus whom, Isaac will carry out with more descendants.
  • Period: 2006 BCE to 1859 BCE

    (Canaan)Life of Jacob

    Jacob fled from home, married Rachel and Leah, able to bear 12 sons which became 12 tribes of Israel.
    Source: https://amazingbibletimeline.com/blog/jacob/
  • 2000 BCE

    (Hinduism in India) Vedas

    The Vedic texts were orally composed and transmitted, without the use of script, in an unbroken line of transmission from teacher to student that was formalized early on.
    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_tradition#Indian_religions
  • 1898 BCE

    (Egypt)Joseph is sold into slavery

    Joseph was sold into slavery by his 12 brothers because they were jealous of him that he was their father's favorite son.
  • Period: 1898 BCE to 1889 BCE

    (Egypt)Joseph works for Potiphar

    Joseph worked for Potiphar and had control over everything in his household.
    Source: https:https://biblehub.com/timeline/old.htm
  • Period: 1889 BCE to 1886 BCE

    (Egypt) Joseph is back in Prison

    Joseph was said that he slept with Potiphar's wife and so he was sent in prison but soon became the commander in the prison.
    Source: https://biblehub.com/timeline/old.htm
  • 1886 BCE

    (Egypt)Joseph becomes 2nd in command of Egypt

    Joseph was sent to interpret Pharaoh's dreams and the dreams happened just like Joseph interpreted and soon Joseph became second in command.
    Source: https://biblehub.com/genesis/41.htm
  • 1875 BCE

    Joseph Typology part 1

    The typology of Joseph can be shown in Genesis 43:31-34. This is where Joseph feeds his family with the food and passes it out to his brothers (in the body of Christ) The whole purpose of the old testament is to fulfill the covenants God made from the beginning with Abraham. What Joseph did was kind of leading to the fulfillment where Jesus in the NT saves us. In Mark 14: 22-25, shows Jesus passing out the bread and wine representing his flesh and blood.
  • 1850 BCE

    The invention of the Hebrew Alphabet

    used by many Semitic peoples of the ancient Near East
    known as Semitic scripts - Aleph Bet
    written from right to left
    no punctuation/capitalization, different grammar rules
    no verses in the bible
    Source: http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/alphabet_history.html
  • Period: 1527 BCE to 400 BCE

    Middle East and NE Africa. The Old Testament

  • 1450 BCE

    The writing of Genesis

    Biblical scholars believe the Book of Genesis was the first book to be written down.
    Ch. 1-11 are impossible to "date", but Abram/Abraham is born around c.2166 b.c
    Genre and Literary Style: 2 Historical Narratives and a few passages fo poetry and some genealogy
    Themes and Structure:
    - creation, death, flood, covenant, providence
    - Ch. 1-11: creation, fall, flood, Babel
    - Ch.12-50: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Source: https://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/how-old-is-the-bible
  • 332 BCE

    Egypt - Alexander the Great conquered Egypt for Greece

  • 51 BCE

    (Egypt) Cleopatra & Ptolemy XII inherit Egypt.

    Ptolemy was the name of Alexander the Great's general who "inherited" Egypt. Cleopatra was the name of Alexander the Great's sister.
  • 49 BCE

    (Jerusalem)Paul's second missionary journey

    sent to Jerusalem to attend the Jerusalem Conference
  • 30 BCE

    Golgotha - Crucifixion of Jesus

    Jesus was crucified around 30 AD
    Source: http://www.biblicalcalendarproof.com/Timeline/YearJesusCrucified
  • Period: 5 BCE to 98

    Roman Empire - The New Testament

  • 25

    North East Mediterranean - Paul's first missionary journey

    Paul traveled to Seleucia to Salamis then to Cyprus
    Source: http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/pauls-first-journey-map.html
  • 30

    Joseph Typology part 2

    In the NT, Matthew 27, shows that Jesus has been betrayed by one of his disciples and sent into a trial. This ties back to Joseph in the OT when he was betrayed by his brothers and sold into Egypt in Genesis 37. However, this leads to how Joseph saving the many because of how he interpreted the dreams of Pharoah and prevented hunger during the Famine. Just like how Jesus was able to save our sins through his suffering on the cross.
  • 54

    (Ephesus) Paul's Third Missionary Journey

    leaves Corinth and reaches Jerusalem at Pentecost; goes to Antioch
    goes to Ephesus
  • Hong Kong - Tina was born

    the world rejoiced that I was born
    source; my mom
  • (Hong Kong) The year I started in ICS

    It was the first year I was at ICS
    Source: Me
  • God's covenant with Abraham being fulfilled today

    We can see that because in the scripture, Jesus died on the cross as a way to wash away all our sins. We no longer have to make sacrifices like they did in the OT. The blood sacrifices ceased because Christ fulfilled all that they were pointing toward. He was the final, unrepeatable sacrifice for sins. (Hebrews 9:12) Nowadays, people can pray, worship, and devotions instead of making sacrifices for their sin. They can also serve for missionary trips.
    Source: http://theafterchurch.com/ourstory
  • (Hong Kong) Personal Reflection

    Genesis 12-24 mainly talks about God's plan for him and how God leads him through his promises. This passage reflected in me because of the times in my career as an athlete in wushu. I didn't know whether I should take this seriously, or do it for fun, as an interest. However, after many years of training, I was awarded became sure of what I wanted to do. In Genesis 15:1, "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your great reward." I can trust in the Lord as he has guided me just as he has guided Abraham.