2019-2021 TIME-LINE

  • Start the high school

    Start the high school
    It was my first day in high school
  • Second semester of high school

    Second semester of high school
    It was my second semester of high school and my last at Univa.
  • Third semester of high school.

    Third semester of high school.
    Return to Nueva Galicia to continue with high school.
  • Fourth semester of high school.

    Fourth semester of high school.
    It was a very normal semester, nothing remarkable.
  • Fifth semester of high school.

    Fifth semester of high school.
    This semester we had to take it online, due to the pandemic.
  • Sixth semester of high school.

    Sixth semester of high school.
    I am currently in the last semester of high school, I will finally finish another stage in my academic life.