Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE
Early Fertile Crescent People
Sumerians,Akkadians,Phoenicians,Chaldeans,Assyrians,Hittites and Kassites,and Babylonians. -
7650 BCE
A way to supply water in droughts and keep water at the same level in floods. -
7500 BCE
3.1-Mesopotamia-Food Surplus
The Mesopotamians had extra food from farming and they decided they would do their own hobbies. They started a division of labor or as we know it jobs. -
5900 BCE
Sumerians made advances medically, mathematically, and technologically. They made healing drugs from herbs. They made wheels and wagons. And they made a numbering system of 60. -
5200 BCE
Cuneiform was the Sumerians first language they could write down. This was a series of wedges in a line that made a sentence. They made this by carving these wedges out with a sharp tool called a stylus in wet clay. -
3150 BCE
4.1-Egypt-First Dynasty
The first dynasty started with Menes the Pharaoh with the cool double crown. This is important because nobody could become king or queen within being in the family unless he or she took over the kingdom. -
3100 BCE
4.1-Egypt-Uniting Under Menes
Menes ruled in upper Egypt and he wanted to unite upper and lower Egypt as one kingdom. So that's exactly what he did he marched his troops down there took over and united each side and became the first pharaoh. -
2300 BCE
India, Location
India's location is very defensive and hard to attack to the North was The Himalayan Mountains and the Indian Kush Mountains to the west east and south is the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. This is important because this makes India very safe. -
2300 BCE
Sargon was born in Sumerian he was raised by Sumerians he rebelled against his king and took over Kish. As he was king he decided I need more land so he broke the peace between him and Sumeria and built a new capital on the Euphrates River called Akad. Sargon built up his army and eventually took over all Sumer city states establishing the worlds first Empire. -
Period: 2300 BCE to 500
Ancient India
The time of repenting. -
2250 BCE
Big stone tombs with four triangular sides made for pharaohs. -
2200 BCE
India, Four Varnas
The four Varnas are India's social hierarchy on top was the Brahmins or Hindu Priests second were Kshatriyas the rulers or warriors third was the Vaisyays the farmers, craftsmen, and traders forth was the Sudras workers and servants. last was the untouchables the people who broke the caste system and if you touched them you would become an untouchable as well. the only way to brake the caste system was to hang out with people in a different caste. -
2200 BCE
Mummies are body's of people who are wrapped in a cloth that was treated to keep the body in a good condition. This was only done to the people that had enough money to pay for it. They also did this so the souls of the dead people would be pleased with their family. -
2000 BCE
3.2-Mesopotamia-City States
A city state is a Urban area with rural areas all around it. -
2000 BCE
India, Aryan Migration
In 2000 BC the Aryans first arrived in India so these people are the equivalent of the first settlers of North America. They spread throughout India starting their own civilizations. -
2000 BCE
India, Caste System
The caste system was a set groups that you could hang out in and only in them you couldn't be with or interact with other groups. The highest were the Brahmins or priests. Then were the Kshatriyas or warriors and rulers third was the vaisyas traders farmers and craftsman. Fourthly was the Sudra servants and workers and last were the untouchables who were very unlucky people. If you interacted with them you would be an untouchable. This is important because you can't be what tou want. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE
8-Greece-Head Start
The Greeks were located in a very special spot. They had many islands so it was harder to be taken over. And they were expert boatmen. -
1770 BCE
3.3-Babylon-Hammurabi Code
Hammurabi's Code was a set of 282 laws that were part of daily life. The people must follow them or they would get very brutal punishments. And if you hurt a rich man the punishments were worse than a poor man. This is an important because today we have fare laws for each other in daily life. -
1750 BCE
4.3-Egypt-Middle Kingdom
End of the old Kingdom this started when a king won a war that led years of peace. -
1550 BCE
4.3-Egypt-New kingdom
The Knew kingdom was the third and last kingdom. This kingdom came after the middle kingdom and started because of Ahmose he took over this area and started the New Kingdom. This kingdom was also known for being at their rise in power so they were at the best point in this time. -
1500 BCE
4.5-Kush-Trouble Shooting
Egypt and Kush were friends in trade. these relationships aren't always peaceful Kush was getting richer and building up their army, so Egypt decided to cut them down before they could do anything making Kush part of Egypt. This is important because Egypt could have been attacked and lost making Egypt Kush. -
1500 BCE
6.1-China-Shang Dynasty
The first dynasty of China was the Shang dynasty established in the1500'BC. This was the strongest in the Huang He Valley. -
1500 BCE
The acropolis was a big fort on a high hill surrounded by walls so when they were attacked they could go into the walls and be safe. -
Period: 1500 BCE to 220
The beginning of China. China's first dynasty was the Shang dynasty.this is one of many. -
1100 BCE
6.2-China-Zhou Dynasty
The Zhou dynasty took over the Shang dynasty and was the longest lasting dynasty. They used Confucianism. -
1000 BCE
3.3-Phoenicia-The Alphabet
The Phoenicians created they the same alphabet that we used today. This is important because now we can write to each other. -
753 BCE
10.1-Rome-Romulus and Remus
Romulus and Remus as babies were put in baskets and thrown in the Tiber River. But they didn't drown because a wolf saved them. This wolf took them as its own children and raised them. But one day a Shepard found them and adopted them. When they grew up they decided to build a city where the wolf saved them. Through this Remus mocked his brother about one of his ideas. Angered by this Romulus Killed Remus and named the city Rome after himself. -
Period: 753 BCE to 78 BCE
10 The Roman
Rome grew from a small town in Italy to becoming the center of the world. Rome made many advances in engineering, architecture, laws, and government. A new religion called Christianity popped up and started to spread. -
701 BCE
4.5-Egypt-Conquest of Egypt
Egypt thought they had totally scared away Kush but the Kushites regained their power since Egypt had just attacked Kerma they were greatly weakened so Kush took this opportunity and attacked Egypt conquering upper Egypt. The Kush king died so his son Piankhi took over and he eventually took over all of Egypt and died shortly after. -
680 BCE
Mythology was a belief that there are many Gods to rule different things. And to honor Zeus the king of Gods they made the olympics. Originally the olympics only had one game but as the years went on they added more games until it ended up like it is today. -
613 BCE
12.2-Arabia-Muslims I thought they were Arabs
Muhammad was a prophet and the people believe that every time a new prophet comes you have to follow his rules. Muhammad was the last prophet. So he made his own rules and teachings for the people. Now they have to follow the religious beliefs he said to do. Also he is the last prophet so they have to follow his rules forever. Then the people memorized and wrote down all his teachings in a book called the Qur’an. -
Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE
9 Ancient Greece
During Ancient Greece many wars happened and it sprung up some very famous legendary fighters like Alexander the Great and the Spartans. -
525 BCE
Tyrants are harsh rulers today but in Greece a long time ago it meant good leader. The people of Greece liked tyrants until The aristocrats decided they wanted to rule again. So the convinced another city state in Greece to attack the tyrant. Then the aristocrats came to power for a short while after. -
500 BCE
India, Buddha
The Buddha was a prince who decided why does this world have sorrow. So he traveled around the world asking everyone. Then after 7 weeks of fasting he sat under a tree and meditated. When he awoke he had the answer and went to tell everyone he could. This religion is called Buddhism and is trying to become nervana the enlightened one. -
500 BCE
An Oasis is a wet fertile area in a desert why is that important? Well without oases Arabia wouldn’t have been made because this is where people would build houses. They built them here so they could have water. -
Period: 500 BCE to
12-Islamic And African Civilizations
Follow the Muslim people through their journey with Islam and how they survived in these desert environments. Were the Muslims an empire or were they scientists. -
Period: 500 BCE to
13-West Africa
West Africa were tribes on the Niger River. Read as they join together and become a great country. They go through being poor and rich until they meet their demise. -
Period: 500 BCE to 1537
16-SouthAmerica-Early South American civilizations
This is about the Mayans,Aztecs, And Incas. The Mayans were very smart creating calanders. The Aztecs learned to build on swamp. And the Incas were experts with masonry. -
431 BCE
9.2-Greece-Peloponnesian War
This war was between the Spartans and the Athenians it started when Sparta saw Athens getting stronger. So to keep them in check Sparta declared war on Athens. The war went back and forth but nobody was winning so they declared a truce. Later Athens tried to conquer again by attacking Sicily. Sicily won and took the whole army prisoners and destroyed most of the Athenian navy. Sparta seeing this attacked Athens the Athenians couldn't take it and surrendered. -
400 BCE
10.2-Rome-The Forum
The Roman Forum was the most important part of daily life in Rome. Why well the forum was where the markets were, politicall buildings, and where after wars The Roman soldiers would walk through with all their riches and prisoners. -
400 BCE
9.1-Greece-The Battle of Marathon
The Battle of Marathon started when Darius invaded Greece and started a series of what historians call the Persian wars. The Athenians had only 11,000 troops and Persia had 15,000. But thanks to the clever leaders and better weapons the Greeks won. -
384 BCE
Aristotle was the student of Plato who was the student of Socrates. Aristotle and his teacher were thinkers. They had specific things they influenced. Aristotle's was reason and logic. Aristotle also taught Alexander the Great maybe that's why he never lost a battle he used logic and reason. -
359 BCE
9.3-Macedonia-Phillip The Second
Phillip the second was the father of Alexander the Great. Phillip took over Greece with a strategy called the Phalanx. The Phalanx was a rectangle of guys with extremely long spears. They would march forward as the enemy tried to attack by running through but would get killed. As one row died the next row went in its place. After this he came home and wanted to march in and take over Persia but he was murdered in 336BC before he could do so. -
300 BCE
India, Split
Later on some people thought you have to follow Buddhas teachings exactly others thought you don't have to follow his teachings exactly to be nervana. So these groups split up into Theravada who follow Buddha exactly and the Mahayana who didn't follow his exact teachings. -
221 BCE
6.3-China-Qin Dynasty
Shi Huangdi defeated all of the warring states in 221. He then named himself Shi Huangdi. He followed legalism and had very brutal consequences. For example he buried 460 scholars alive because they disagreed with him. He didn't share any power with the lords. -
206 BCE
6.4-China-Han Dynasty
Liu Bang was the first emperor to be chosen by the Mandate of Heaven that was a peasant. He was liked by his warriors and peasants because the community valued them very highly. He followed he followed a less brutal legalism. -
63 BCE
Christianity is a monotheistic religion. Rome’s religion was to pray to all the gods because they didn’t know who was real. so when Christianity came they didn’t understand it or like it. So they basically started to persecute the Jews. But every time they killed a Jew the emperor made another follower of Jesus so while the people thought they had shut this odd religion out. It was actually growing. -
Period: 50 BCE to 1453
11-Rome-Roma and Christianity
This chapter is about how Christianity is revealed to the Romans. Follow this timespan to see if the Romans like Christianity or not. Also see if Rome grows shrinks and splits. -
44 BCE
Octavian was Ceasars son he ruled with Marc Antony. These to men killed the magistrates that murdered Ceasar. Later Marc married Octavia Octavians sister. Then Marc met Cleopatra and divorced Octavia and married Cleopatra. Octavian took this as an insult and started to hunt Marc. To not get caught by Octavian they committed suicide. Then Octavian gave “all his power to the senate”. They named him Augustus which means revered one. -
11.3-Rome-The End
Rome grew a lot so they couldn’t defend all their land so people wouldn’t attack them they made German farmers feed them. But Germany was allies with Rome’s enemies. So when the goths would attack the Germans would just let them through without being attacked. Rome had grown so week they couldn’t defend against the local villager goths and were attacked and destroyed the western part of Rome. However the eastern half was defended and lasted for another 1,000 years. -
13.1-West Africa-Gold And Salt
Gold and salt were very valuable commodities you needed to have to survive. Salt was used to preserve food. Gold was a tool for trading. -
10.3-Rome/Carthage-Scipio Africanus
Scipio Africanus was a great dictator who fought off Hannibal. Hannibal was the General of Carthage.And Rome was their enemy so Hannibal tried to invade Sicily but Rome kicked them out.Then Hannibal wanted to attack Rome so he took the long way lost a bunch of troops came in started destroying Rome didn’t like. So scipio attacked Carthage to get Hannibal out and drew them back and attacked them Rome came out as the winners. -
The Chinese people of the Han dynasty found out how to make silk. This was a very good fabric because it was light and cool in the summer and warm in winter. They would not tell anyone how to make silk because it was very sacred to China. -
13.4-West Africa-Griots
Griots were story tellers that preserved the history of west Africa. They did this by memorizing stories from other griots. This is called Oral history. They also spread proverbs and wise sayings because they didn’t have a written language. -
17.1-Eurasia- Topography and geology
Europe has the Northern European plain the Ural Mountains and the Scandinavian peninsula. In Europe there are many pensulas bays seas and islands. Right beside them is the Atlantic Ocean to the east. -
Period: 400 to 1200
17-Eurasia- Europeans
This section is about feudalism the coming of Christianity the Vikings and many more things. The fiefs serfs and the social hierarchy. -
15.1-Japan-Influenced by China and Korea
The Japanese were a fairly young country. They followed the Chinese and the Koreans to catch up with time. They did this by sending many people to these countries and learning all about them so they could be similar. -
17.3-Europe- Feudalism and Manor life
As the invaders were pouring in to Europe the lords had to defend their own territory called fiefs. fiefs are land given to the vassals of lords for payment. Feudalism is what we called the relationship between the lords and their vassals. The vassalas and lords had to follow these rules or the vassals could break away from their lord. The lords lived in manors that were taken care of by peasants a very low rank but not the lowest. That would be serfs peasants that couldn’t leave their land. -
17.4-Europe- Feudal societies
The Feudal system was much like the Japanese between the samurai and shoguns. They both had codes to follow bushido and y were both paid in land and were the same ranks in their social hierarchy. -
17.2-Europe-Christianity spreads
This is the medieval or Middle Ages at the beginning of this time Northern Europeans weren’t very many Christians as they moved down they became surrounded by it and became mostly Christians. Saint Patrick became a missionary and taught in Ireland. Then Charlemagne a great warrior took over many lands and forced the people to become Christians. But he also built many schools. During this time many invaders came including the Vikings they could get around because of their master boat skills. -
Period: 500 to
14-Modern China-The End
This is about how China reunifies and the age of Buddhism. Also the great achievements of the Tang and Song dynasties. And Confucianism then falling to the mongols and rebelling. -
Period: 550 to
15-Japan-Japan Culture
This chapter is about how Japan grew from clans to an Empire and every day jobs that were all about honor. Also see how Japan was influenced by its neighboring countries. -
After the period of disunion the Sui dynasty reunified China under a man named Yang Jian. He conquered the south and reunified it. They started the grand canal and then they ended their rule in 818 AD. -
14.2-China-Tang And Song Achievements
The Tang and Song Dynasty created some technology that helped everyday life in China like the dragon back bone pump that only took one man to do the work of several men. Also the magnetic compass, and fast ripening rice. -
18.1-Europe- Popes Power
The Pope’s is Europe had a lot of power in some instances more than the king. The reason they had so much power was because they could excommunicate which is to say you aren’t going to heaven. And if the king did something wrong the pope could excommunicate so they had a lot of political power as Well as in the church. -
The Arabs made the number system we use today. Otherwise we would be using Roman numerals. They also made algebra books and a book about the new number system called Arabic Numerals. -
Taxing was a way for Ghana to become even richer than before. But when the rest of the world saw these riches they decided to invade or migrated to these prosperous lands. This then caused overgrazing so the people had no food. -
16.1-South America-The Mayans
The Mayans were very smart they grew many vegetables and there little villages came together to make huge cities. In these cities the Maya’s made big plazas or a very large paved area for people to sell goods at. The Mayans were polytheistic and to please the gods bye sharing blood with them and sometimes human sacrifices. The Mayans fell because everyone moved out of the great cities and the farmers rebelled leaving little food and they died off. -
18.3-Europe- Monks And Friars
Monks and Friars are similar and different they both study Christianity. Monks draw away from the world and focus on their relationship with god. Friars also focus on themselves except they reach out to the world and teach the world about Christianity. They both were religious orders the Dominicans after Dominic De Guzman and Francis of Assisi. -
15.2-Japan-Perforing Arts
The Japanese liked performances like juggling,music,acrobatics,and actors skillfully MiMiking other people. In later Japanese Performing Arts they started to do plays about hero’s or figures of Japan called Noh. -
Period: 1000 to 1500
18.1-Europe- Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages there are the popes fighting for power the crusades the hundred year war and the Black Death.there was much death but not much progress. -
The crusades were a war of the Europeans against a merciful general Saladin a Muslim leader. The two peoples were sharing the land peacefully until some Muslim Turks attacked English pilgrims. So the first people to go to the Muslims are an army of peasants but most of them died on the long journey there. This was the most successful crusade as they took back Jerusalem. But the three other attempts failed as well even with knights and nobles. The crusades ended in 1291 when the Muslims won. -
In japan the shogun was the most powerful person in the Empire. Even though they had a figure head or emporer who was respected but didn’t have much power. Then the daimyo were war lords who led armies of samurai who were 4th in the hierarchy. And last as usual was peasants. -
Confucianism is the dominant philosophy taught in China, it is based off the teachings of Confucius. Following the ren and li the ren is concern for others. And the li is proper behavior. But this wasn’t enough so the people of China created neo Confucianism or new Confucianism this follows the ren and li but adds a spiritual aspect. -
12.3-Arabia-Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire was ruled by Mehmed the 2. Mehmed known as the conqueror because he took down Rome. But what made his army strong was the Christian boys he conquered. They are called janissaries he converted them to Islam and they became fierce warriors. Also he helped repair and build up much of his land. -
18.4-Europe- Magna Carta
As we say it in class “in one two one five the Magna Carta started to thrive.” So in the year 1215 AD a group of nobles decided to force the king to sign a paper that doesn’t allow him to have to much power. They did this because the king was cruel and the people couldn’t stop him because he was king. Then over time a council of nobles was created nobles were created which evolved into the parliament England uses to this day. -
The Mongols were fierce warriors who killed entire cities and left one person to spread terror about them. The Mongols are so powerful and scary they take China starting the Yuan dynasty with Kublai Khan. This time the Mongols let the Chinese keep their traditions. But Kublai wasn’t satisfied with his land so he decided to voyage to Japan but on the way they were hit by a huge storm. It wiped out most of Kublais ships and he became weak. The Chinese saw this and rebelled ending the Mongol rule. -
13.3-Mali-Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa was the richest and most famous ruler.he had an estimated 400 billion dollars worth of gold. He was so rich where ever he went he caused inflation. Then Mansa died his son was total weak sauce they were invaded and taken over by Songhai. -
Period: 1270 to
19-Europe-The Renaissance
The renaissance was a time for invention creativity and money. Many useful inventions were made many famous amazing arts of work were made and very good banks. But there was a bit of commotion in the Catholic Church. -
16.2-South America- The Aztecs
The Aztecs built there city on swamp land by putting in deep poles to make a flat platform to build on. The Aztecs were based off of war. Since there wasn’t much farm land there the Aztecs made floating gardens called chinampas. The Aztecs believed in many human sacrifices they killed 28 people a day when they fought they brought back as many prisoners as possible so they could do human sacrifices.They fell when hernan Cortes and his conquistadors came the Aztecs let them in and they killed them -
18.5-Europe-The Black Death
The Black Death was a very famous plague because it killed millions of people. In fact people died so quickly Special carts were pulled around to collect the dead body’s. The disease came from Asian rats being brought through trade ships. However it helped the surviving peasants as the nobles that were still alive were made to be paid by the peasants because the nobles couldn’t do it. -
Period: 1400 to
20-Science and Exploration
This chapter is about the revolutionary discoveries in science from people like Ptolemy,Nicklaus Copernicus, Johannesburg Kepler, to Isaac Newton who discovered gravity. Also it’s about explorers from Europe traveling the world. -
Muslims made many great advances but medicine was considered to be their best. One doctor found the cure for a deadly virus called smallpox. Also they opened the first pharmacy school so people could learn to make and use medicine. They also created a medicine encyclopedia that was used throughout the 1600s. -
19.2-Europe- The Printing Press
The printing press was made by johann Gutenberg. What you did was align the words in the correct order cover them in ink the put it in the machine. The you push a leaver and wood comes down pressing the paper and printing the words. This made it extremely easy and fast for books or papers to be spread. -
19.1-Europe- Leonardo Da Vinc
Leonardo was a perfect example of a renaissance man he invented he painted the Mona Lisa and he did very detailed sketches of the human body. One of his most famous ideas for an invention was a human powered flying machine. He was also a sculptor, architect, engineer, town planner, and map maker. -
20.2-Europe- Exploration
Many people already knew the earth was round and Dias found that Africa wasn’t interminable so every body was trying to get to Asia by water. Da Gama was the first to make it to Asia going around Africa. But Christopher Columbus went west and was going to Asia. But instead he found America he thought it was Asia so he called the people there Indians and went back and forth many time not realizing he was in a totally different continent. Drake the pirate attacked Spanish ships for England. -
16.3-South America-The Incas
When the Incas conquered people they took control of the government and to the government officials children to an Incan school to learn all about the Incans they would come back and rule the Incan way. Their society was communism. The Incas didn’t really do many sacrifices of humans rather llamas cloth and food. But the Incas were expert masons on carved stone perfectly and they didn’t have steel. -
19.3-Europe- Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a man who wanted change in the church. So he posted a paper of 95 complaints about the church on the church’s door. The document was called the 95 theses before the church could keep to that one area it spread because of the printing press. Since Luther did this the pope excommunicated him and he went to court in worms the judge to hm to leave the empire. A noble secretly helped him hide . The Church then split into Protestants and Catholics causing different types of churches. -
When the Europeans found America they started something known as the Colombian trade. This brought many good resources to England but also disease. The disease killed all the Indians so the English needed people to farm while they were gone. They went to Africa to get slaves because they were immune to the diseases. Then this caused mercantilism which is when the government controls all economic activity. And Capitalism where individuals run most industries. -
The scientific Revolution all started with Aristotle who thought the universe revolves around the world like the rings on an onion. Ptolemy took this further and said the planets revolve around earth in little circles and also drew the world on map as a sphere. Then a man named Nicolaus Copernicus found that Ptolemy’s example didn’t make since so he came up with a different theory with the planets revolving around the sun. Kepler saw the planets orbited in ovals Isaac Newton discovered gravity. -
Period: to
21-TS-Enlightenment and Revolution
This chapter is about lots of criticism and Change in the government of both USA and Britain. Also political ideas from people like John Locke, Charles Montesquieu, and Jean Jacques Rousseau. And the views of American colonists like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. -
Voltaire was a writer that mocked government and religion he argued that instead of waiting on God to help us we should improve ourselves. He also emphasized wrong censorship the taking out of information considered harmful. -
21.2-USA-Benjamin Franklin
Ben Franklin was a farmer,scientist, and scholar inspired by the enlightenment and John Locke. Ben went to London and addressed the House of Commons in parliament. He argued that the British shouldn’t tax them because they had no representatives in the parliament or taxation without representation. This caused the British government to get rid of the stamp act. -
12.3-USA-New rights and Independence
When King William and queen Mary took the throne they had to sign a document called the English Bill of Rights, a document that limited the monarchs power like the Magna Carta. It also stated that parliament could raise tax and pass laws. But the colonists didn’t like some of the laws they made so they met with the British congress and declared independence. Written by Thomas Jefferson on a Document called the Declaration of Independence. The war began in April 1775. -
21-MDC-Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was a document that declared the thirteen colonies in America an independent country. With out the Declaration of Independence I wouldn’t be American and America would have never become one of the strongest countries in the world. -
4.4-Egypt-Rosetta Stone
The Rosetta Stone was a slab of Egyptian hieroglyphics with Greek writing underneath it to show what is saying so we can read Egyptian hieroglyphics. -
4.4-Egypt-A Special Tomb
In 1922 we found the tomb of King Tutankhamen this gave us lots of information about Egyptian arts. -
USA, I was born
Every body was super siked I was born! -
8.3-MDC Greece-Olympics
The olympics are a series of sports that you compete in to win. It started in Greece to honor the Greek God Zeus.This is related to us today because we do the olympics every four years and is one of the most celebrated competitions today. -
6-MDC- silk
The creation of silk is used today in many people's lives for clothing.This was created in the Han dynasty. -
Euclid was an amazing mathematician that specialized in geometry. Geometry is the studie of shapes. He was so good that the method of geometry we learn in school he made. This method is called Euclidean geometry. -
10-MDC-Checks and Balances
Checks and balances is a system that makes sure that no one person or group gains to much power. This is a modern day connection because countries around the world still use this system to keep under control. -
Since Rome was such a big place it left lots of ruins around today. These ruins are tourist trap many people flock there to see these beautiful old ruins. -
Gunpowder was used to make fireworks in China we still use it today on Chinese New Year And Independence Day. -
13 MDC-West Africa-Music
The music of West Africa inspired the famous jazz music that we listen to today. -
15-Japan-MDC Shintoism
Shintoism was the traditional religion in Japan. Now Shintoism is followed by about 50percent of the Japanese population. This is my MDC because people are trying to spread Christianity in Japan when only 2.9percent of Japanese people follow Christianity. -
16-South America- MDC-Vegetables
The Mayans planted many vegetables like beans,squash,Avocados,and maize or corn. So now we have all these vegetables that are sent around the world for us to eat. -
The spread of Christianity is my MDC because without it I wouldn’t be a Christian. Without Charlemagne converting every one when Columbus came he wouldn’t be spreading Christianity most likely. -
18-MDC- Universities
While the Monks were drawing away from the world others were looking to learn more about it. Over time this urge to learn more sparked the first universities. Some by churches who taught about Christianity and some by students who got together and traveled looking for teachers. The universities taught in Latin about law, medicine,astronomy and many more classes. Then people started developed new ideas like how human reasoning and Christianity were related. One such man was Thomas Aquinas. -
19-MDC- Reformation of the church
The reformation of the church changed today because with the reformation I wouldn’t be a Protestant but a catholic. It showed the Catholic Church it isn’t completely about getting money but having a relationship with God. -
In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue little did he know he was in America not Asia. Without Columbus finding America I wouldn’t be American we might have never Known about other civilizations in the Americas. Without Columbus USA wouldn’t be such a great country as it is today.