2017[Enson Tang]Dalat world History

  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Ch.3-The Fertile Crescent-Early Fertile Crescent People

    Babylonians, Hittites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Akkadian, Sumerian,
  • 7700 BCE

    6.1-China-Geography of China

    China is about the same size as the United States, it covers more than 400 million square miles. China is surrounded by a lot of geographycal features, at the north there is the Goni dessert, at the east there is the seas, at the south there is the rivers, at the west the re is the Himalayas mountain. That makes China protected. At 7700BC farmers in china has already started growing rice.
  • 7000 BCE

    3.1-Fertile Crescent-irrigation was able to increase the amount of crops the farmer produce,

    Because of irrigation they don't that much farmers so other people became crafters, religious leaders, and government workers.that is called the division of labor.
  • Period: 7000 BCE to 100 BCE

    Ch.6-Ancient China

    Geography of early China, The Zhou Dynasty, The Qin Dynasty, The Han Dynasty, and The Han contacts with other cultures
  • Period: 4500 BCE to 400 BCE

    Ch.4-Ancient Egypt and Kush-

    The gift of the Nile, Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom, Kush
  • 3500 BCE

    3.3-Sumer-They created the first writing system called cuneiform.

    At that time there was no pens so they use sharp reeds called stylus to write. That invention allow people to create epics. One famous epic was the epic of Gilgamesh, the legendary king of Sumer.
  • 3300 BCE

    4.4-Egypt-Egyptian's achievements

    The writing system they created was Called the hieroglyphics. Later, the Egyptians learn ed how to make The papyrus. The papyrus is a lasting king of paper.for a long time historians and archaeologists don't know how to read the hieroglyphics but until the 1799. They discovered the Rosetta Stone. Rosetta Stone is a stone that the Egyptians inscribed on with hieroglyphics.
  • 3100 BCE

    4.1-Egypt-Historians thinks that memes is the first pharaoh

    Pharaoh means great house. Memes also started the first dynasty of Egypt.
  • 2700 BCE

    4.2-Egypt-The third dynasty began The Old Kingdom

    At Thant time Egypt was ruled by pharaohs which is also known as the god or king. They also start building pyramids.
  • 2300 BCE

    3.2-Sumer-social order of the Sumerians

    Their social order is called social hierarchy. Priests stands a important role in the social hierarchy.
  • 2300 BCE

    5.1-India-Ancient India's first cities

    Harrappan civilization is the first cities in india.Thier civilization is found near the Indus River Valley. The two largest cities in Harappan civilization are the Harappa and the Mohenjo Daro.
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 450

    Ch.5-Ancient India

    Geography of India, Hinduism, Buddhism, Indian empires, Indian achievements
  • 2050 BCE

    4.3-Egypt-The Middle Kingdom and the New kingdom

    At the end of the old kingdom the power of the pharaoh dropped. By around 2050BC MentuhotepII united Egypt and began the Middle Kingdom. Near the end of the Middle Kingdom a group called Hyksos invaded Egypt. The Hyksos ruled Egypt for about 200 years but at the 1500s ahmose fought back and rosed to power. He began the new Kingdom
  • 2000 BCE

    4.5-Kush- Ancient Kush

    A group of Africans settled near the Nile which is later called Kush but now a days is nebia. Kush and Egyptians are neighbors they sometimes live in peace with each other. Egypt was scared that the kushites is getting more powerful so pharaoh Thutmose sent his army's to invade Kush. They were ruled by Egypt for about 450 years.
  • 2000 BCE

    8.3-Greece-Greek mothology

    In Ancient Greece, the Greeks believed in may gods.each story or myth they make explained natural or historical events. The most powerful god of all is Zeus the king of the gods. One of the ways Greeks horned their gods was by sports competitions
    Ike the Olympic. The competition takes place every 4 years.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Ch.8-Ancient Greece

    Geography of Greece, government in Athens, Mythology and literature,
  • 1792 BCE

    Babylon-modern day-The city's greatest monarch, Hammurabi created the first set of laws

    The Hammurabi's code has inspired today's laws
  • 1600 BCE

    8.1-Greece-Geography of Greece

    Greece is on a peninsula that is surrounded by waters and has full of island around it. Below Greece there was this island named Crete. The minoans lived on the island Crete, because they lived on a island they spend most of their time on the ocean than on land. But the minoans is nit consider Greeks because they don't speak Greek.
  • 1595 BCE

    3.4-Asia Minor- The Hittites is the first people who master ironworking and is really skillful for using the chariot.

    The Hittites is really successful in the because of their military advantages. They are
  • 1100 BCE

    6.2-China-Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou Dynasty is the longest lasting dynasty. They believed that the heaven gave power to the king to become king and that is called "The Mandate of Heaven". At that time lords get lands for loyalty and provided soldiers that is needed for war. Later in the Zhou period Confucius is born. He offered teachings to bring order to the society.
  • 1000 BCE

    16.1-Yucatán Peninsula-The Mayan

    Around 1000BC Mayans began settling down. They grew a lot of crops especially maize/corn. The Classis Age is the height of Mayan Empire. Palenque is the capital city of Maya and the king of Palenque during 603-683 is Pacal. Pacal builded a temple only to record his achievements. Mayans are polytheistic. They believed that the way to impress their gods is by human sacrifices. They usually use prisoners as their sacrifices and take out their hearts.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 1537

    Ch.16-The Early Americas

    Tan Maya, The Aztecs, The Incas
  • 900 BCE

    9.2-Greece-Sparta and Athens

    Boys and men in Sparta is nesasary to serve in the army. When a new born that is a boy, the officials will take a look at the baby. If the baby is unhealthy they will bring the baby out of the city and leave the, to die. Girls and women in Sparta has more rights than men, because men spends most of their time at war, there is some women who also own the lands.
  • 900 BCE

    3.4-Northern Mesopotamia-The Assyrians began to conquer the whole Fertile Crescent

    Soon after they gained control of Babylon, their empire is defeated by the invaders. That defeat took them about 300years to gain back their strength. After that they began to conquer the whole Fertile Crescent.
  • 753 BCE

    10.1-Rome-Rise of Rome

    The descendants of Aeneas had founded Rome. According by legends told by the Romans, Romulus and Remus were twin brothers they founded Rome. They were raised by wolves. Romulus and Remus decided to build a city to tell everyone where the wolf had rescued them. During the planing of the city Remus disagree Romulus’s idea. With anger Romulus killed Remus his twin brother. He named the city Rome after his name.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    Ch.10-The Roman Republic

    Geography and rise of Rome, Government and society, The late republic
  • 600 BCE


    People who believes in Hinduism believes in many gods. The three main gods are the Brahma the creator, Siva the Destroyer, and Vishnu the preserver. They also believes that world everything in the world is part of Brahma
  • 550 BCE

    9.1-Persia-Greece and Persia

    Cyrus the great founded the Persian empire. People he conquer ,he lets them keep their own tradition so that they less likely to rebel against him. His army was strong, well organized and loyal, that is why he was successful. In his army there were immortals, 10,000 brave and skillful soldiers, and Calvary. Calvary is a group of soldiers who rides on horses.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE

    Ch.9-The Greek World

    Greece and Persia, Sparta and Athens, Alexander the Great, Greek Achievements
  • 500 BCE


    At the 500s BC there was this young prince named Siddhartha Gautama, who is not satisfied with his life and often ask why is people suffering. He left his home and went on a journey to find the truth. After talking to some priests people who has wisdom he sat down under a tree meditating and fasting for 7 weeks. Finally he got ideas of why people is suffering. After that people started calling him the Buddha
  • 500 BCE

    8.2-Greece-Government in Athens

    In the early Athen, they were ruled by Aristocrats and tyrants. Aristocrats are rich landowners and tyrant are a leader who got by force. At about around 500 Bc cleisthenes the leader gained power. He established the world first democracy. All Citizens must vote under cleisthenes rule, to make them vote they will take a long rope and put paint on so that anyone who touches the paint will need to vote.
  • 500 BCE

    9.4-Greece-Greek Achievements

    Socrates is one of the greatest thinkers, he believed that everyone should seek for knowledge. His way of teaching is called the Socratic Method. He taught by asking questions. Plato is a student of Socrates. He created a school Called the Academy, for students, philosophers, and scientists to come to discuss ideas. We might know Aristotle from being Alexander's teacher. He believe that people should live their lives with balance.
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    Ch.13-Early African Civilizations

    Geography and Early Africa, The Empire of Ghana, Later Empires, Historical and Artistic Traditions.
  • 334 BCE

    9.3-Greece-Alexander the Great

    After Philip II dead his son Alexander took over the throne and he is only 20 years old. He conquered almost everybody at that time but he stoped at the Indus River because he has been fighting a long time and wants to go back home. Half way back to Macedonia he stoped at Babylon and got sick. He died after a few days. They took his body to Egypt and he was buried in a golden coffin. After his death his officials split his empire in to three parts.
  • 320 BCE

    5.5India-Religious Arts

    The Indians created beautiful art during the Mauryan and Gupta period.most of thier paitings is found in temples.the paintings in the temple represents religion teachings. These temples are counted one of the most beautiful temples in the world today
  • 320 BCE

    5.4-India-Indian Empires

    Candragupta Maurya took control of India with about 600,000 soldiers and spies at about 320s BC. The he had also consists of thousands of elephants and chariots. He began the Mauryan Empire the Mauryan lasted for about 150 years. But at 301BC he became a Jainism monk, he gave up everything he had and gave it to his son.
  • 221 BCE

    6.3-China-The Qin Dynasty

    The Qin Dynasty was established during the warring states period. After the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty created a strong and strict government they defeated their opponents and unified China. The first emperor called himself Shi Huangdi that means first emperor. His solution to everything to legalism. He told everyone to burn any books that is not related to legalism. A lot of scholars was upset that he burned all the books so the king buried 460 scholars alive.
  • 218 BCE

    10.3-Rome-The Late Republic

    On 218 BC Carthage attempted to attack Rome. Charthage was led by Hannibal, Hannibal was considered one of the most greatest generals in the world. But Rome have never won the war neither did Carthage. In the meantime Rome sent their army to Carthage. Hannibal was not there to defend his country, so he lost his country has been defeated.
  • 206 BCE

    6.4-China-The Han Dynasty

    Liu Bang is the first common person to emperor and was also the one who ended legalism right after Shi Huangdi died. Liu Bang started Wudi. Wudi is a new kind government to uses Confucianism. Their social classes were emperors at the top and second were the peasants. In that period peasants rank were high than never before.
  • 206 BCE

    6.5-China-The Han dynasty's contacts with other cultures

    Silk was very valuable in ancient China. The technique of making silk is a kept a secret from other countries. Trades increase because of silk and because of that people use a certain road to go to China and that road is called Silk Road. The Silk Road is a 4000 mile long route from China to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 200 BCE

    10.2-Rome-Government and society

    Senate is the advisor for the migistrates. By 200 BC the senates had great influence in the government. There were no written laws that time in Rome, so people would just make their own laws. The official decide to write all the laws down so that they won’t make their own. The magistrates are responsible for making sure is their people are following the laws. They would post all the laws in the forum. The forum is like their meeting place.
  • 44 BCE

    11.1-Rome-From Republic to Empire

    In the 70s BC Rome was a dangerous place to be in. They use violence as a political weapon. On 58 BC Caesar the general defeated most of Gaul. Being strong in battle Caesar earned himself a place in politics. His success made his friends jealous, so they assainated Caesar in cold blood. He was stab about 20 times in the stomach.
  • Period: 44 BCE to 1453

    Ch.11-Rome and Christianity

    From Republic to Empire, the Roman Empire and religion, the End of Empire
  • 30

    11.2-Rome-The Roman Empire and Religion

    When the Romans defeated their enemies they let them keep their own religion and beliefs. They worshiped the Olympian gods.The Roman has also build a lot of temples to worship their god. The Jews only believed one god, so they were defeated. They treated the Jews badly. A new religion came up when Jesus was born, called Christianity. Jesus is the messiah. His teachings challenged a lot of the leaders, so Jesus got arrested. He was killed by crucifixtion.
  • 100

    11.3-Rome-The End of the Empire

    At 100BC Rome is at its highest point, they controlled most of all the around the Mediterranean Sea. having to contolled so much land is too much, they can’t defend all of the land. So the people who wants to attack them, they would invade the farms outside of Roman. After time past they will lose lots of farm and will ran out of food. Diocletian became emperor and divide the empire in half.
  • 200

    Ch.13.1-West Africa-Gold and Salt

    Gold ans salt were valuable trade resources to West Africa. Salat was used as preservative to keep food fresh. Gold was highly valued and a tool for trading.
  • 220

    Ch.14.1-Period of Disunion

    Period of Disunion is a period in China history, when China was split in to deferent kingdoms. The kingdoms were ruled by military leaders. It lasted about 220-589. The period of Disunion happened after the Han dynasty fall.
  • 300

    Ch.13-4-West Africa-Griots

    The Griots were story tellers that preserved the history of West Africa. They did this by sharing stories to other Griots and this is called a oral history. They also shared proverbs and wise sayings. They shared the oral history because they didn’t have a written language.
  • Period: 430 to 1066

    Ch. 17-The Early Middle Ages

    Geography of Europe, Europe after the Fall of Rome, Feudalism and Feudal Society.
  • 500

    17.1-Europe-Geography of Europe

    Europe is a really small continent perhaps it is the second smallest continent in the whole world. Although some of Europe is part of Asia and we call it Eurasia. The Ural Mountains separates the Europe and Asia.
  • 500

    17.2-Europe-After the fall of Rome

    After the fall of Rome Europe fell into many small kingdoms, and often they would fight each other for land. That period in history is called the Middle Ages. At the start of the Middle Ages a lot of Europeans are not Christians but slowly the missionaries and the monks spread Christianity to the north.
  • 500

    Ch13.2-Ghana-Silent Barter

    Silent Barter is the procedure in which people trade with out meeting face to face. This was important because it prevented people from stealing gold and salt and conducted trade peacefully.
  • 500

    15.1-Japan-Geography of Japan

    80percent of Japan is covered with mountains and 20 percent is flat. Because Japan is surrounded by the ocean people mostly eat seafood, that is why their homes are always not far from the ocean. They were also separated from the rest of the world, but that gave them a opportunity to create their own culture and religion.
  • Period: 500 to 1500


    Geography and early Japan, art and culture in Heian, growth of a military society
  • Period: 550 to

    Ch.12-The Islamic World

    The Roots of Islam, Islamic Beliefs and Practices, Islamic Empires, Cultural Achievements
  • 570

    12.1-Arabian peninsula-Islam

    Muhammad part of an important family in Mecca. Before Muhammad came they worshiped a lot of gods. However when Muhammad told them about the new religion, a lot of people followed him. He was believed to be the prophet of Islam.
  • Period: 589 to


    China reunifies, Tang and Song dynasty’s arhievements, Confucianism and government, The Yuan and Ming dynasties.
  • 632

    12.2-Arabian peninsula-Qur’an

    The Qur’an is of Muhammad’s life. His followers wrote down all his teachings in the Qur’an. The teaching is basically saying there is only one god and Muhammad is his prophet. According to what it says in the Qur’an, people who follows Allah/God will go to heaven and people who don’t will suffer.
  • 800

    12.4-Arabian peninsula-Cultural Achievements

    Muslims made lasting achievements to science and philosophy. They have observatories to observe the sun, moon and stars. They also created accurate maps. They made advances in medicine, Muslims mix the knowledge of Greek and Indians to make their own discoveries.
  • 800

    17.3-Europe-Feudalism and Manor life

    At the 800 Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims began invading Europe, so the Frankish kings were unable to defend their land. Because of the raids that time Europe developed a system of protection similar to Japan’s. The king would ask the nobles to protect them and in return and king will give them a big chunk of land. Then the nobles will ask the knights to help him protect the king and in return the noble will give them a small piece of land. That system is called Feudalism.
  • 800

    17.4-Europe-Feudal Societies

    Same with Japan they have similar societies, but with different names. The knights would be called samurai in Japan, and in Wurope they would be called Knights. The lords in Japan are called daimyo and in Europe they are called Lords.
  • 900

    Ch 14.2- Paper money

    Tang and The Song dynasties has made a lot of contributions to the world. Most Their inventions were influential to the world like paper money. Before paper money people had to carry around a big bag of coins so that they could get things, but the imventions of paper money, they could just bring a piece of paper instead of a huge bag of coins.
  • 960

    Ch 14.3- Confucianism and government

    Confucianism comes from a person’s teaching called Confucius. His teaching focused on appropriate behaviors. Confucianism played a really big role in Chinese teaching. In the Tang dynasties people began to wonder about the teachings of Confucius. During the Song Dynasty a new philosophy called Neo-Confucianism was introduced.Later in the Song Dynasty it became the official government teachings.
  • 1000

    18.1-Europe-Popes and Kings

    Popes are always the head of the Church in Western Europe. Most of the people in that time belongs to the church so pope has great power among them. Sometimes if someone did something really bad the popes or other bishops could choose to excommunicate the person. At that time Europe is divided into small states, a lot of the states are ruled by kings. They inherite the thrones from their fathers.
  • 1000

    18.2-Europe-The Crusades

    Crusade was a series of wars between Christians and Muslims. They fought to gain controll for the holy land. It started when a group of Turkish Muslims invaded and controlled Jerusalem They were 4 main crusades at that time. The first was successful they took over the Holy Land but not long after the Muslims took it back. The second and third were led by French and German kings. The second one was a failure, and the third one was also a failure. The fourth one was also a failure.
  • Period: 1000 to 1492

    Ch.18-The Later Middle Ages

    Popes and Kings, The Crusades, Christianity and medieval Society, Political and Social Change, Challenges to Church Authority.
  • 1100

    15.2-Japan-Art and Culture in Heian

    One of their art forms are religion. The common people formed many different kinds of Buddhism. Near the 1100 a popular form of Buddhism is formed. It is called the Zen. They think that by meditating and self discipline lead to wisdom.
  • 1100

    18.3-Europe-Christianity and Medieval Society

    Almost everyone at that time was a Christian. Their life was mostly about religion. Markets, festivals, and religious ceremonies was held in the church. Some people even go on pilgrimages .
  • 1100

    18.5-Europe-Challenges to Church Authority

    During 1100 some Christians question the clergy’s teaching. They felt like the clergy are focusing on money instead of God. So the Clergy send priest and friar throughout Europe to find the people who question them. They are called the heretics. If the heretics are found they will be thrown in prison and sometimes get killed.
  • 1150


    Big landowners called daimyo , decided to hire warriors to protect their big piece of land and that is when the samurai rises. Daimyo hired samurai to protect their big piece of land and instead of paying them money daimyo payed them food and smal pieces of land. The samurai were known for their loyalty to their lords.
  • 1200

    Ch.12.3-Arabian Peninsula-The Ottomans Empire

    On about 1200s the Muslims turkish warriors began to take over the Byzantine Empire. They trained the little Christian boys to become janissaries. Eventually the janissarieshelp them invade. They also have gunpowder weapons.the Ottomans was led by Mehmed II. He used big cannons to destroy Constantinople, and defeated the Byzantine Empire.
  • 1200

    19.1-Italy-The Italian Renaissance

    During 1200s the Mongols reopened the Silk Road. Before the mongols took over The Silk Road was not used because there was no soldiers protecting the traders so nobody uses it but now mongols provided protection for the travders. One of these traders were Marco Poloand his family. They traveled from Europe to China. Marco Polo also became a government official in China. Marco Polo stayed in China for 20 years. When the Polos when back Asian goods, there people started to trade with Asia.
  • 1206

    Ch 14.4- Mongol Empire

    One of the people groups that attacked the Chinese was the Mongols. The mongols lived far away from the Chinese, but one day a person called Temujin United all of the mongol tribes. After he became the leader he gave him self a name called Genghis Khan.They Mongols was known for their fierceness. Everywhere they go they killed both men and women but leave one person to tel what happened.
  • Period: 1271 to

    Ch.19-The Renaissance and Reformation

    The Italian Renaissance, The Renaissance beyond Italy, the Refotmation of Christianity.
  • 1324

    Ch.13.3-Mali-Mansa Musa

    Mansa Miss was the most famous ruler of Mali. Also he was super rich. He was a Muslim. He was so rich that he caused inflation whatever he went. He was also really into education and he built mosques and schools. His son was total weak sauce, and caused the downfall of the empire to raiders/nomads.
  • 1325

    16.2-Mexico-The Aztecs

    According to legend the king dream of a god the telling him that if he sees a eagle biting a snake and is on a cactus that is the place where they will settle. Eventually they saw the eagle on a cactus biting a snake in a swampy island. Around 1325 the Aztecs began making their capital.Tenochtitlan was there capital. The location of the capital made it hard for outsiders to attack them.
  • 1328

    18.4-Europe-Political and Social Chages

    In 1215 King John agreed to sigh the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is a document that listrights that kings couldn’t ignore. Although the Magna Carta was sigh it didn’t effect outside of England at all.in France the king died with no sons so people tried to claim the throne that started the hundred year war. It was a war between England and France.
  • 1400

    19.2- Europe-The Renaissance beyond Italy

    Paper making started in China but soon it spreader to Europe. In 1400s johann Gutenberg invented the printing press. The printing was almost as important as the food surplus. It means that it allowed the society to have bibles and more books.
  • Period: 1416 to

    Ch.20-Science and Exploration

    The Scientific Revolution, Great Voyages of Discovery, New System of Trade
  • 1492

    20.2-Europe-Great Voyages of Discovery

    Exploring is a big thing at the end of 1400s. A Explorer named Christopher Columbus from Italy was trying to find a shorter route to Asia but instead he found the America’s. From Spain he went west hoping to get to Asia
  • 1500

    20.3-Europe and America’s-New Systems of trade

    After Christopher Columbus found the America’s, trade began. That trade between Europe and America is called the Columbian Exchange. Basically people would take new plants to the America’s and they will take back native plants from th America’s
  • 1517

    19.3-Europe-The reformation of Christianity

    During that period people began to question the churches teaching. One of them were Martin lurther. Martin Lurther wrote a list of complaints and nailed it to the church door. With the help of the printing press the list of compliants spread around. His ideas soon led to a split in the church. The Protestants who followed lurther are called Lutherans
  • 1520

    16.3-Chile-the Incas

    In 1520 civil war happened in Inca. As the king is about to die the sons fought to get the throne. Eventually Atahualapa won, but the civil war has weakened their army. Pizarro brought an army of 180but manage to defeat the Incas because the Incas are scared of horses. In the process of attacking the Incas Pizarro aptured Atahualapa. Atahualapa wanted to have freedom so he told the Incas to give Pizarro 24 tons of gold but Pizarro killed the king anyways.
  • 21.2-Europe-New Views on Government

    At the 1600s kings and greens ruled Europe, they believed that god gave them the power to rule that is called divine right. John Locke a philosopher from England published Two Treaties on the Government. He believed the people have natural rights.
  • Period: to

    Ch.21-Enlightenment and Revolution

    Ideas of the Enlightenment, New Views on Government, The Age of Revolution.
  • 20.1-England-The Scientific Revolution

    I think Sir Isaac Newton is one greatest scientist of that time or maybe the greatest scientist ever. His theories have been proven so many times that his theories are called laws. His 2 famous laws are the law of gravity and the law of Motion.
  • 21.1-Europe-Ideas of the Enlightenment

    The scientific revolution and the Voyages of Discovery led to the age of reason. The use of reason is called Enlightenment. Enlightenment used ideas from the greek. The humanism made a huge impact in that time period. Voltaire was one of the philosopher that time. He question the government and religion in his writing. He also believed in humanism.
  • 12.3-Europe-The Age of Revolution

    That time the British ruled the Americas and were taxing them really high. The colonist were unhappy about that so the colonist called for a meeting. They wanted to resist the British. In 1775 they fought with the British. The colonists leaders called for a meeting again. At the meeting Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  • Ch.10-modern day-Government

    The founders of the United States copies many elements of the Roman system. Like the Romans United States has three types of leaders, the president, the congress, and the federal court system.
  • Ch.12-modern day-Math

    The Muslims combined the Indian number system and the Greek science mathematics to create the Arabic numerals. Without the numerals we will have different kinds of forms of numerals.
  • Ch.6- modern day-Confucius

    Confucius' teachings help people today to be more respectful to their alders. Confucius turn around the life and thoughts of most of the Chinese today.
  • Ch.8-Greece-modern day-language

    A lot of English words and expressions comes from Greek mothology.
  • Ch.9-Greece-Modern Day-Mathematics

    Euclid is one of the greatest mathematicians. He is known for geometry. He influenced what we study study today. The system is called the Euclidean geometry. He taught and live in Alexandria
  • Ch.11-Modern day-Christianity

    The teaching of Jesus influenced most of the Christian today. Without Jesus we won’t be saved and there will be no Christianity.
  • Ch.20-Italy- The new world/ the America’s

    It is because of Christoper Columbus we have the America’s now. By finding the America’s it also improved trade. America has been a big part of our society today.
  • Ch.21-modern day-Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence gave rights to people and is still used today. The Declaration of Independence states that people have natural rights and government must protect it.
  • Ch.13-Modern day-Mali’s Music

    Some of our music we listen to might be from the Griots. Between 1600 to 1800 many Griots was brought to America as slaves. But that didn’t stop them from singing the way they used to sing in Africa. They also played instruments while singing. Instruments such as the kora.
  • Ch.14-modern day- Paper money

    After the creation of paper money people don’t have to carry big bags of coins around like they used to. The Chinese made it easier for people to use and transport money.
  • Ch.15-Japan-Modern day-samurai

    Moves of samurai still lives on until today. They loyalty samurai have towards their lord is still a part of Japanese society.
  • Ch16-modern day-Basketball

    The Mayans also created basketball but using their hips to hit he ball into the hoop.
  • Ch. 17-modern day-Christianity in Europe

    Because of the missionaries and monks the Europeans are mostly Christians.
  • Ch.18-Europe-Modern Day-Magna Carta

    Today the British consider the Magna Carta as the part of their Constitution. Some of the ideas are also in the US Cotitution.
  • Ch.19-Modern Day-printing press

    The books we are reading on are printed by printers and the idea of printers comes from the printing press. The printing press helps us to have books to read .