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Election Race 2015
Ted Cruz: Stop Spending our Amnesty!!!
Cruz warning Obama? Ted says it would be illegal for Homeland Security to pay for his immigration plans. It opens a door for a fight between Obama and the rupublican-controlled government. "Judge Andrew S. Hanen's ruling late Monday undercuts the basis of Senate Democrats' ongoing filibuster to block homeland security spending." says Cruz. -
Carly Fiorina: 2nd Amendment
"I support the 2nd Amendment and the NRA, not because I'm a hunter, and while I've never had to protect my home or my family from an intruder. I'm glad I can if I have to. I support the amendment to bear arms for people like me and my husband because it is a god-given right. It is also a constitutional right. When, and if the govenment takes our guns the people know we are headed down a dangerous path." says Fiorina. -
Bernie Sanders:Mass Movement
1-day old presidential campaign, more than 100,000 people already signed up at BernieSanders.com to spearhead the mass movement he called for when he launched the campaign. Although Hillary will be the candidate he is still runnning. In my opinion, if Hillary wins we are destined to die. 1.5 million dollars were raised in 24 hours after he announced that he was going to join the race. -
George Pataki BIo
George was born on June 24, 1945 in Peekskill, NY. He is 6,5 and married to Libby Pataki. He was govenor of New York. He was also the mayor of Peekskill. He has 4 children. George grew up in New York and learned disipline. Although I do not want him as our president he has some sense. -
Ben Carson: Iran Nuke Deal is a Recipe for Disaster
Without inspection, a full accounting of Iran's secret nuclear arms persuits, getting rid of uranium stock piles, and the lifting of sanctions is not a good deal. It is just another step to a nuclear arms race. Do you even think the negotiators would stoop down to secure this deal? No. Iran is one of the world's sponsors in terrorism. -
Rand Paul: Planned Parenthood
Paul has introduced an amendment to cut off federal support for abortion. He says that these people have no respect for human life.“Recent video revelations, involving potentially criminal activity, make it more obvious than ever that this organization has absolutely zero respect for the sanctity of human life and is an affront to the most basic human dignity enshrined in our founding documents. Not one more taxpayer dollar should go to Planned Parenthood and I intend to make that goal a reality -
Jim Gilmore: Tax Reform
Mr.Gilmore has a plan called "The Growth Code." Personal income tax rate would decline from 36.9 percent to 25 percent, the lowest since the 1920's. There would only be three income tax rates: 10,15, and 25 percent. Buisnesses would face a uniform tax rate which would make the more competitve. -
Chris Christie: No one Cares!!!
At one of the GOP debates it seems like Christie doesn't care about his fellow candidates' past careers. Christie is right about the people though. They don't care about their history. "Going back and forth back and forth, nobdy cares who did well and who did poorly. You're both succssful great. It's the middle class on this country that are being plowed over." says Christie -
Hillary Clinton: LGBT Equality
Clinton says that we should end discrimination against the gay folks in this country. She also said that we should put an end on restrictions that blocked LGBT from adopting children. Hillary supports the Equailty Act. I don't support the LGBT, or Hillary because she is a liar, but I don't support these people. God made Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve. She does not support what the majority of the American people want. She also is a liar because of the emails with Benghazi. -
John Kasich: Teamwork
Govenor Kasich leadership was credited after bringing jobs back to America from Mexico. Bill Clinton made a bad decision signing NAFTA. NAFTA sent our jobs to Mexico and other countries. Ford began moving jobs 4 yeard ago. They were brought to Ohio under Kasich. “Our nation needs a leader with a record of actually delivering for all of us, that’s why I’m running for President.” says Kasich. -
Marco Rubio: Turkey-Russia Incident
After Turkey shoy down a Russian plane, Rubio says he has a different opinion than the Turkish govenment. Marco says that the Us must stand witht thier allies. He said that the Russians wouldn't try to test that. He says this will rid of Russia's agression."I don’t think Russia, so at end of the day, although Vladimir Putin is a gangster and a criminal, he is also a geopolitical actor who makes decisions on a cost benefit analysis." says Rubio. -
Donald Trump: Imigration
An illegal Mexican (member of a violent street gang) was released from Los Angeles County jail after his 3rd gun charge, shot a boy to death. The boy was shot in the stomach, and when he was on the ground he was shot in the hand and in the head. Trump says we must build a wall. The reason this Mexican got in so easily was because our border system was up par, -
Donald Trump: Exposing the News
Trump has found that for the last 14 years, DC Media has covered up evidence that the Muslims in Paterson, New Jersey celebrated the collapse if the World Trade Center. Even though "thousands and thousands" of the Muslims in America did not celebrate there is is proof. DC Media did a coordinated cover-up of trying to hide this news. -
Jeb Bush: Immmigration
Jeb's wife is Mexican American. She claims that she wants to build the wall, and that she loves the country as much as anyone in the room. "I think the people who come here illegally have no choice."says Bush. I don't agree with that statement, and I understand that some people might have it bad but there is no reason why they shouldnt come here legally. -
Donald Trump Bio
Donald Trump is a graduate of Wharton School of Finance. He has 15 bestsellers , and his book The Art of the Deal(his first book) is considered a buisness classic. trump has over 7 million followers on social media.