kicked out of school

  • kicked out of evergreen

    kicked out of evergreen
    i got kicked out of evergreen for fighting but the prinsapul helped me git in to a alternitev school
  • grandpa passed a way

    grandpa passed a way
    sadest day of my life
  • starting at new start

    starting at new start
  • nikki

    the day i met nikki
  • a nuther grandpa pass's a way

    a nuther grandpa pass's a way
    now i am so angry
  • summer program

    summer program
    me and nikki did a summer program that hade us cleen tral's and we got pad for it
  • martina and jan move back in with us

    martina and jan move back in with us
    martina lived with jan for a year to go to school in ocean shours
  • school starts up

    school starts up
    school starts and i am going to new start and pssc
  • furst x-miss with nikki

    furst x-miss with nikki
    this is the furst x-miss with nikki and to make it beter my best friend scott was there with us
  • nikki's pragnet

    nikki's pragnet
    just found out nikki;s pragnet