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2013 Reading log

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    2013 Reading Log

  • Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz

    Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz
    This story was about how Dorothy and Toto end up in another world. They end up there because of the cyclone. Dororthy meets the witch of the south, dorothy asks her how can she get back home. the witch sends her to the wizard of oz to ask him to send her home. Dorothy travels to the wizard of oz, on the way she meets, a lion, scarecrow, and a tinman. they also want to go to the wizard of oz and ask him to make there wish cme true aswell! In the end Dorothy and Toto get home safetly.
  • The Amazing Adventure of Abby Hayes, Home is Where the Heart Is

    The Amazing Adventure of Abby Hayes, Home is Where the Heart Is
    This story is about how Abby's parents decide to move, because of her mothers work promotion. Abby is not happy about her parents decision, she dosen't care about having a pool or her own bathroom. She loves it where she lives now. she still goes to the same school, but its still not the same. She cant walk with her friends to school or walk to their houses. The worst thing about her family moving is, that she moves closeer to a mean girl in her class name Briana!
  • Nancy Drew, fishing for clues

    Nancy Drew, fishing for clues
    In this story something weird was going on in River Heights. First a buglar breaks into Neds house and steels his laptp, and knocks out his mother. Then about a week later his brand new camera gets stolen. Nancy drew is determine to find out why and who stole his laptop and camera. I would recommend this book to people 10 and over, and people who enjoy suprises!
  • The Friendship Experiment

    The Friendship Experiment
    This story was about a Girl called Morgan, she has a run in with her friends. Her friends start to make her life miserable and do what ever it takes to make people laugh at her.Morgan tries to find new friends, she really struggles. But in the end she ends up making Heaps of friends, and way quicker than she thought she was.. I would recommend this book to girls over 11 and girls who are into girly books!
  • Wayside School is falling down

    Wayside School is falling down
  • Spaceheadz

    This book is about these aliens from outta space. They are called Spaceheadz. They are on a mission to get 1,000,000 kids to sign up to be Spaceheadz, so the Earth doesn't switch off. Also the spaceheadz have to act normal, so their identies are kept safe. On their journey theres a agent called Agent Umber and he trys everything to destroy their mission. I would recommend this book to kids over 11, and who are interested in adventure books.
  • My sisters a vampire transvalia

    In this story olivia and Ivy go to Transvalia with their dad. They go to Transvalia to the royal wedding. Alex and his fionce are getting married. While they are in Transvalia a lot of bad things happen, that olivia and Ivy aren't use to. I Would recommend this book to people aged 11 and over. Also to peole that enjoy mysterious stories
  • Luna bay pier pressure

    Luna bay pier pressure
    Luna and her 4 friends love surfing. Over the summer break Luna's parents run a surfing camp, luna and the 4 girls teach people how to surf. Luna is suppose to be training for her big sufr competition, But There is a boy named David, who luna really likes. And she starts to hang out with him. and forgets to train for her competition. David is a very quiet boy, Luna knows somethings wrong with david, and she tries everything to find out what his BIG SECRET IS!
  • The floods great outdoors

    The floods great outdoors
    The floods decide to act more like humans and experience what its like to have a holiday. The floods decide to go to the beach for their holiday. While they are on holiday they try to act normal, but its not very easy for them ,because they are wizards. The floods enter a sandcastle competition. They win but only because they used magic. They also do plenty of mischief things are their holiday. And they cause a lot of TROUBLE!
  • The Lottie Project

    The Lottie Project
    In this story there is a girl ,called Charlie. She has to do a essay on the victorians. Charlie doesn't want to do this project, because she thinks it's boring. Instead Charlie makes a diary of the victorians. She pretends to be a victorian. Everything that happenes in her life, she writes down in the diary. She pretends that it happened in the victorian days. I would recommaned this book to people who enjoy trouble.
  • Unseen

    This story is about a boy who seems to be seeing things that aren't normal. The two main things that happened to him is his fingers, and the parrott. The parrot kept kept following him everywhere and made him say horrible things to others. He ate a lizzard and his finger grew. However his finger could easily come off, and when this happened it grew back again instantly. I would reccomend this book to people who enjoy humorus books. As this is a very funny and enjoyable book.
  • Jacky Daydream

    Jacky Daydream
    This book is about Jaquiline Wilsons childhood. This book is very interesting, because it tells you a bit about the olden days. If you read this book you find out facts about what life was like years and years ago. I was interested to know that they didn't have cellphones when she was a child. Something I was really shocked about was that they only had a couple of channels and kids programmes were only on for 1 hour a day!
    I would recommend this to peopple who enjoy jaquline wilson
  • Harry potter and the half blood prince (= 3 books)

    Harry potter and the half blood prince (= 3 books)
    This story is a thriller to read. Throughout the book, they have chapters, that make you so curious, about whats happening or who is it. Harry is so determined to destroy lord voldenmort, that he gets a bit carried away and starts forgetting about his friends. I find the stroy sad at the end, because Dumbledore dies. Throught the story dumbledore has helped him so much to find evidence and give him tips to fight him. Harry still needs to fight voldenmort without Dumbledore Harry might lose!
  • Tom Gates absoultely Fantastic

    Tom Gates absoultely Fantastic
    Tom is a very mischevious boy, who is also very forgetful. His school goes on a school trip. However he was lucky, because he lost his form and didn't return. His teacher gave him another notice and luckily people had pulled out, so there was a free space for him. On the trip, him and his friends, are naughty in their cabins. They have mid night snacks, stay up all night, throw things around, and try playing tricks on other cabins. At the trip they do, Kayaking, and build rafts.