2013 Reading Log

  • Period: to

    Reading Log 2013-2014

  • Period: to


  • Blaze and the Dark Rider

    Blaze and the Dark Rider
    This book is about a girl who just gets a horse and is about to lose her after a famous 'circus' riding group, El Caballo Danza Magnifico, come to do their show. Unfortunately, after genetics test are made it turns out that horse belonged to the group. The girl has to keep fighting to try to keep her horse.
    This book is reccomended for 10y and over, as this book is something anybody, who understands, could enjoy.
  • Flame and the Rebel Riders

    Flame and the Rebel Riders
    This book is about a girl who in the holidays needs a job. The owner of a famous eventing stable, Ginty Mcintosh, gives an option of working for her for the holidays. The girl says yes, but when she arrives she is concerned about the treatment of one of the horses, Flame. This book is reccomended for 10y and over.
  • Weirdo Halloween

    Weirdo Halloween
    This novel is about a halloween gone wrong. All things halloween for Meg is made an absolutely scary situation when an unwanted alien sets foot in the house.
  • Kylie Mole

    Kylie Mole
  • Dog Tucker

    Dog Tucker
  • Destiny and the Wild Horses

    Destiny and the Wild Horses
  • Vampalicous

  • Torn

  • A Date with Destiny

    A Date with Destiny
  • Lola Rose

    Lola Rose
    This book is about a girl, Jayni, who with the help of her mother and brother sets of into the world of the lucks'. The runaway family change their names to the most beatiful names imaginable.
  • Brat Princess

    Brat Princess
    This book, out of the series Zodiac Girls, is about a moody Leo and her moody outbreaks. Leonora is about to setfoot on to a plane that takes her to her idea of hell. Although, will she survive Christmas?
  • Mystic and the Midnight Ride

    Mystic and the Midnight Ride
  • Secret Garden

    Secret Garden
  • Just Disgusting

    Just Disgusting
  • Black Beauty

    Black Beauty
  • In The Fith at Malory Towers

    In The Fith at Malory Towers
  • Second Form at Malory Towers

    Second Form at Malory Towers
  • Bow Down Shadrach

    Bow Down Shadrach
    The old horse, Shadrach, is told to bow down but at his age it is not good. After being sent away for dog food, Shadrach owners couldn't bear it. They secretly ditch school and chase him. Will the children save their beloved horse?
  • Geek Girl

    Geek Girl
    Harriet Manners is a geek. She knows that, but she wants that to change. She has the chance to change into something beautiful and graceful. Although, will the guilt eat away at her brain? Will she lie forever? Would it have been better to be a geek?
  • Horse Magic

    Horse Magic
    After 'The PIG Accident' Luce is to stay on at White cloud Station and heal with her horse Hope. In the meantime Suzy's father has found someone special, could the affect the way she will be watching Andalusians on stage?
  • Bratz Road Trip

    Bratz Road Trip
  • It Came From Beneath the Sink

    It Came From Beneath the Sink
    This book is about a sponge that isn't really a sponge. As it misteriously breaths and lives off peoples misfortunes. Kat discovers this creature at the familys' new house under the kitchen sink. The creature is a bad luck charm and if it is given to someone else the previous owner will die within the next 24 hours. It cannot be killed by any force or violence.
  • A Horse for X.Y.Z

    A Horse for X.Y.Z
    This book is about a girl who wishes to ride a marvoulous named Snake Dancer. He has a sable-brown coat, a sable-brown mane and a splach of white on his fetlock. In an attempt to ride this horse she jumps off the bus, saddles up Snake Dancer and rides off into the forest. Although, on her way back she sights 4 men, who aren't sopposed to be there at the camp. She makes her way back up into the forest and settles in for the night.
  • The Hunger Games

  • The Hunger Games - Catching Fire

    The Hunger Games - Catching Fire
  • The Hunger Games - Mockingay

  • Torn

  • Geek girl

    Geek girl
  • Storm and the Silver Bridle

    Storm and the Silver Bridle
  • Mystic and the Midnight Ride

    Mystic and the Midnight Ride
  • The Hunger Games

    Katniss, a girl that live in district 12, has a sister named Primsose. She gets chosen to go to the hunger games but katniss volentares herself to go instead.
  • Brat Princess

    Brat Princess
    Leonora is off to a place she would rather not be at over Christmas. Although in her time at the boot camp she begins to realise what life is meant to be like again. All these years she has been crying over what she did, but know she needs to get over herself and live life the way it wa meant to be lived.
  • Flame and the Rebel riders

    Flame and the Rebel riders
    Issie needs a holiday job, so when Ginty Mclintosh approaches her during a dressage training session, all she can say is yes. Ginty is the trainer of 20 odd showjumping horses. She also competed as a professional rider. Issie was stoked about being a training groom that she went to tell her instructor, Tom Avery. Tom was not as pleased with Issies desision, as he knew that Gintys methods were unbearable. So, issie takes the job and begins to learn how right Tom was...
  • Kylie Mole

    Kylie Mole
  • Weirdo Halloween

    Weirdo Halloween
  • The Secret Garden

    The Secret Garden
  • Mystic and the Midnight Ride

    Mystic and the Midnight Ride
  • Storm and the Silver Bridle

    Storm and the Silver Bridle
  • Geek Girl

    Geek Girl
    Harret Manners is a geek and has only one friend and LOTS of enimies. She takes a trip to a fashion sale that she didn't want to go to. She gets approached by a fashion agency.
  • Geek Girl: Model Misfit #1

    Geek Girl: Model Misfit #1
    Harriet Manners is a model/geek. She gets a job in Japan and meets two really nice models. Although, Haarriet's job doesn't go according to plan.
  • Dreams of Warriors

    Dreams of Warriors
  • When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

    When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
  • Nightstorm and the Grand Slam

    Nightstorm and the Grand Slam
  • Bombs on Aunt Dainty

    Bombs on Aunt Dainty
  • Last Term at Malory Towers

    Last Term at Malory Towers
  • Loving Spirit

    Loving Spirit
  • Princess Diaries: Sixsational

    Princess Diaries: Sixsational
  • Only the Good Spy Young

    Only the Good Spy Young
  • Blind Beauty

    Blind Beauty
    This touching story is about a highly bred thoroughbred that warms the cold heart of his dam's favourite person. Despite being ugly, the colt, Buffoon, teaches Tessa how to love agian. Tessa finds her meaning in life.
  • A Horse Called Elvis

    A Horse Called Elvis
    Elvis is a troublemaker. All he can seem to do is break out of his pen and make a big mess of the lawn. Although, this is not how other people see him. Matty finds himself tied uo in a rescue mission to steal Elvis back.
  • A Horse for Angel

    A Horse for Angel
  • Dream Pony

    Dream Pony
  • You Don't Know Me

    You Don't Know Me
    A group of four singers are auditioned by an ananomous person for an internet/tv singing contest. They need to make a critical decision; drop Rose or get dropped from the competion. Although Rose is the best, she retires herself. THe other three get online abuse from people all over the world until they fix the misunderstood.
  • Nomad

    Ivy feels that she needs to prove herself to to the Delve (where she used to live). She has been banished previously for saving the Delve. Her friend, Marton, is sopposedly faking his friendlyness towards her, but Ivy has known him for five months now and she thinks otherwise; he could even have more feelings than intended...
  • Alex

  • Necklace of Secrets

  • Wild Magic

    Wild Magic
    Veralidaine Sarrasri (Daine) makes her way to Tortall with Onua and her ponies. On the way, Daine, after somehow sensing him, finds a injured night owl. It turns out that the owl is a mage, Arram Draper. Arram, now known as Numair Salmalin, finds that Daine has a unique conection to animals. This connection is brought through Wild Magic, a magic different from any other.
  • Wolf-Spleaker

    In the second book of the 'The Immortals Quartet' Daine travels to the Long Lake Pack (her former wolf pack). While there, Daine has the resonsibility of revealing what is really happening. THe pack knows, there fore she knows.
  • The Emperor Mage

    The Emperor Mage
  • The Realm of the Gods

    The Realm of the Gods
    In the forth book