Valdimir Putin Elected
He is a Russian President
Born in Saint Petersburg, Russia -
Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee
60 year on throne
Ten Thousand people came for the Jubilee -
london olypics
Most watched TV Event in USA history with 219.4 Million viewers
Michael Phelps Retries at age 27 and with record holding 22 total medals in his hands. -
Neil Armstrong Dies
Died at age 82
First one to step on the moon -
Ambassador Chris Stevens killed in Libya
Kill in a Mob Attack
One of Four Americans Killed -
Free fall record broken
During the fall he was like a speck. He landed in a desert. -
Gangman style gets most views on youtube.
The music video got more than one billion views. Also there’s a girl video too. -
hurricane saNDY
ITS A BIG STROM. its the biggest stgrom -
obama wins re-election
obama is the pres. his opponent was mitt