2012 Year In Review

  • Period: to


  • Free Fall Record Broken

    Free Fall Record Broken
    24 miles above the new mexico desert.
    travaling at 833 mph.
    first humen to do so without the aid of a super sonic jet of space shuttle.
  • Queen Elizabeth Dimond Jubilee

    Queen Elizabeth Dimond Jubilee
    Celebrating queen Elizibeths 6th year on the thron.
    Jubilee is a celebration that marks a very inmportent anivercary.
  • Justin Bieber Believe Album

    Justin Bieber Believe Album
    Justin Bieber came out with his Believe album which had 13 songs on it. The album sold 374,000 copies in its first week.
  • London Olympics

    London Olympics
    London hosts the summer olympics
    The U.S. had a total of 46 gold medals
  • Neil Armstrong Dies

    Neil Armstrong Dies
    Neil Armstrong died at the age of 82 after being the first man ever to walk on the moon.
  • Ambassador Chris Stevens Killed in Libya

    Ambassador Chris Stevens Killed in Libya
    He had a history with Libya
    He was the formal ambassador to the new libya government
  • the Artist wins academy award

    the Artist wins academy award
    got the best actor and best director award
    says the movie industry paying tribute to not just the movie but to its own roots as well
  • Lance Armstong Loses Titles

    Lance Armstong Loses Titles
    After winning 7 Tour De France titles Lance Armstong was found to be using steroids and all of his titles were rebuked.
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy
    Hurricane Sandy devastated many families with this category 1 storm with winds of 90 mph and gusts up to 115 mph
  • Obama Wins Re-election

    Obama Wins Re-election
    Barack Obama won Re-election for president against Mitt Romney. His headquarters are in Chicago.
  • gangnam style most viewed video on youtube ever

    gangnam style most viewed video on youtube ever
    gangnam style surpassrd pop star Justin Bieber's baby video to be the most populr youtube uplode of all time.