2000's Technology

By tan04
  • I pod

    I pod
    B. i Pod
    C. Apple
    D. the i pod allowed users to have all their music i one place it was small and convenient. it replaced the need for Cd's and CD players
  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    A. 2002
    B. USB Flashdrive
    C.Dov Moran
    D. The USB flash dirve allows us to store our projects and pictures from one computer and transfer it to another.
  • Social Networks

    Social Networks
    A. 2004-today
    B.Facebook, twitter, etc.
    C. Mark Zuckerburg, Jack Dorsey
    D. Social media allows to stay in touch and updated on the lives of friends and families. It also allows us to meet others who live far away from us
  • WII

    A. 2006
    B. Wii
    D. The Wii allowed players to physically interact with a game and provided new ways to play games.
  • I Phone

    I Phone
    A. 2007
    B. I Phone
    D. The Iphone has allowed us to i message, facetime, and basically have our entire life in one place.